Part 8

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Hey guys!
I am back! Sorry I haven't updated for a few weeks. I have been super busy.
Thanks for all the votes. Please don't be a ghost reader, I love reading everyone's comments and thoughts.
I hope you enjoy this latest update in Sang's New Life!
~ tbuddy
Last time on Sang's New Life

I was getting ready for bed when I got a call.
"Hey Sang! I was wondering if we could hang out on Saturday?" The person asked me.
Sang's POV

"Sure Gabriel. I would love to!" I responded.
"Cool. You are going to love what I have planned for this Saturday," he said mischievously.
"Gabe! Should I be worried? Is this going to put me in ahy trouble. I don't need that!"
"Don't worry, Trouble, you will be fine." He said.
Oh no. What have I gotten myself into?
The next day (By the way, it is Friday in the story.)

I walked through the ugly, green double doors of the old high school, and as I heard a loud crash, I was pulled out of the way by a mysterious guy with dazzling green eyes. He was tall with sandy blond hair.
"Are you alright Ma'am?" He said with a deep, masculine voice.
"Ye-eah. I'm f-fine." I said with a shy voice.
He gave me a bright, wide smile. How can someone have such white teeth?
"My name is Dr.Green. What's your name, Miss?" He said with a look if curiosity.
How can someone that looks like he is my age, be a doctor? I thought to myself.
"Sang," I said, but with a nervous voice.
"Well Sang, it's very nice to meet you." He said kindly and with a welcoming smile.
"Sang! Are you alright? I should hurt them for almost running you over!" North said with a lot of anger in his voice.
"I'm fine! I'm fine! Don't hurt them, please, I don't think they meant it." I said quickly to help avoid a fight.
"Ok, but only if you avoid these trouble makers," he said as he turned to glare at the guys that almost crushed me.
He turned back to look at me, but stopped when he noticed Dr.Green standing next to me," Doc? What are you doing?" He asked.
"I was walking back to my office and I noticed this lady walking through the front doors and the other boys' line of destruction. I pulled her out of the way before she was crushed by them!" He said, while pointing towards the pile of boys. " How do you know Miss.Sang?" He asked curiously.
"I have some classes with her and Luke introduced her to me." Immediately following his response, a bell went off.
The warning bell.
We only have two minutes to get to class or we are late .
"Come on Sang! We're going to be late!" He said urgently, as he grabbed my hand and took off running down the hallway.
Luckily the final bell rang as we stepped into the door of our home room class.
"I'm glad that we made it without being late." I said with a sigh of relief.
Hey guys!
Sorry that I have been MIA. I have had some problems to sort through.
I am glad that you all are enjoying this and I am sorry that this update is so short.
What do you think is going to happen next? Comment! I would love to see what you think!
Thanks for the constant votes and comments; they make me smile.
Keep reading!

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