Part 7

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I hope you guys enjoy this latest update in Sang's New Life!
Last chapter
North and Sang were hanging out and he invited her to the diner that they were planning to build.
They chatted about the playground near it and when they went inside they heard a loud crash, as if someone was inside.
Present (Sang's POV)
Both Sang and North jumped at the startling noise.
"Get behind me, quickly," Noth said to said, immediately following the crash.
What if a fox or an animal got in somehow? I thought to myself, but with much worry.
North started to creep forward, as he moved silently towards the noise, he opened all the doors.
Left, then right, he continued checking all the doors and rooms.
At every room, he tried to turn on the lights, but to my surprise, none of them worked.
"There might be a bad fuse," North said," after we figure out what happened, I will check the fuse box." He said quietly.
We walked quietly towards the final door, I am not sure if normal friends do this, because I have never had many friends, but before we reached the door, North reached towards my hand and gave it a light squeeze.
"If anything happens, and when I say anything I mean, anything life threatening, you run." He ordered me, but I could hear the worry that shines bright in his voice.
I smiled softly at his concern, but I realized he couldn't see me, because of the lack of lights throughout the run-down church, so I responded," Ok, just please be careful," I don't want anyone to get hurt.
He opened up the door and it made a noise, showing obvious signs of unuse.
North walked forward, but slowly into the room, and I followed closely.
In a matter of seconds the quiet, mysterious scene turned into a mad-house.
Things crashed off the counters, chairs squeaked against the tiled floor,and I was screaming as it started.
"LUKE!" North yelled," Why would you do this? Uncle is going to kill us!"
"Sorry. I came in here to take a look around and I found out that the lights weren't turning on. I went looking for the breaker box."
"Why did you make all that noise when you came in here?" I asked.
"Sang is that you?" Luke asked," Man, I am sorry! I thought it was just North that came in here. I always try and scare or prank him."
I smiled softly from his concern, but it was no excuse for what he did," What if it was someone else? For all you know, it could have been a burglar with a gun, trying to rob the place."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said, while moving his hand to rub the back of his neck. By doing this I could tell he was nervous at that thought.
"I shouldn't prank anyone unless I know exactly who it is." He said.
"Good," North said," now that we've got this situation fixed, I am going to find the breaker box and fix the lights. Once I fix the lights, Luke, this mess better be cleaned up."
He left to find the breaker box, but he left me here with Luke.
"So..." Luke said," How's your day going, Sang?"
"It was going perfectly fine, until you rained on my parade."
Right after I said that the overhead lights turned on, signaling that we should begin cleaning up the mess Luke caused.
There was books and cleaning bottles scattered all over the floor and chairs laying in all different ways all across the room. I finally took a look around the room and discovered we are in an old kitchen.
If this is going to be a restaurant, they are going to need a bigger kitchen, with more ovens and freezers. I thought to myself.
There was a tiny refrigerator in the corner which had an oven sitting next to it.
The floor had black and white tiles on it, though many of them were broken, I am sure the chairs didn't help it either.
We both got onto our hands and knees to clean up the mess.
" Imagine after all this is fixed up and the restaurant is open. People will be coming in, enjoying all the food Uncle cooks. All of us will work here. Won't that be fun?"
I smiled at the thought," Yeah, that sounds like fun. Maybe I can get a job here."
"I don't know. It sounds like a good idea." Luke said.
North came back in when we were almost cleaning.
Both he and Luke walked me home when Sara texted me and told me to go home.
"Bye Sang," both North and Luke said as I stepped through my front door.
"Bye guys," I said as I was closing the door.
Later on that evening
I was getting ready for bed when I got a call.
"Hey Sang! I was wondering if we could hang out on Saturday?" The person asked
Who do you think Sang is talking to?
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