Chapter Three: After so many Nosebleeds.

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Chapter three: Nosebleeds.


I walk into the bed room, my hairdripping with water as my bare feet squelched when making contact with the ground. I began to hum an un-named song underneath my breath, my face passive as I walked down the quiet hall, save from the slight meowing coming from my room and the sound of rain pelting against each window, and each thunder clap that would break through.

I shivered, my bare arms feeling the coldness of the air around me with the moisture, the water felt like ice on my skin as it slowly slid down my bare skin and was slirped up into the towels material. I moved my arms slowly as I walked, toe first as i walked softly along the floor, though not silent. I left a trail of foot prints made from water behind me, following me to my room.

I shivered, a cluster of goosebumps rising along the skin that was shown, exposed to the air that surrounded my body as I weaved through. I licked my lip, turning my head as I walked by a certian door that would remain closed until further notice. Biting my damp lip I reached for my door handle just next to the one before and twisted.

I yawned as I entered, seeing the kittens talking, well, most conversated other than Tobi, who was at this current moment, trying to get onto my bed with a strange amount of determination, where as Zetsu remained un-seen.

I frown slightly, walking over to my drawers and tightening my hold on my towel with my wrinkled hand. "Boom boom ba~2 I whispered, smiling softly and pulled out clean underwear, and a pair of leggings and a long flowing top with my favorite people of all time, well...almost, Naruto& Sasuke, growling at each other, or so in my mind. Sasuke's eyes were the sharingan, his blazing red eyes being the only colour that resonated on his animated body where as for Naruto it was his eyes, which were also a demonic red, his necklace glowing brightly with an orb of colour as behind him, was Gamabunta and the other summoning toads, for Sasuke it was Manda and a large bird.

"I shall be back in a se-" I paused, noticing that yet another Kitten was missing.

I growled, turning my gaze downwards. I quickly kicked at Hidan, his small body going flying as blood pooled from his nose and I suppose he was going to die happy. Fucking asshole.

I clenched my jaw and let out a dry chuckle, turning towards my closet and shutting the door tightly behind me. I then let my towel drop onto the ground as I failed to clip my bra. "Fuck sake," I cursed, finally just throwing away the top underwear and covered my bottom with pants, finally pulling the leggings with little diffeculty, of course, nearly falling flat on my face in the process.

I much less struggled with the shirt and smiled down at it, loving the look on mah hubbehs face, Naruto.

-dreamy sigh-<3

i then turned, looking towards the end of the closet and stared at the wall, longing to get closer but knew better than to do so as I wouldn't be able to part myself. "I'm sorry, Jane..." I whispered, relaxing my shoulders as I left the closet and entering my room.

I let out an exaggerated gasp, "Omguish! What day is it?!" I strupidly asked the kittens before shaking my head and rushing over to my bed, helping up Tobi who had still been trying to get to my bed and I ignored the stares of the kittens, feeling like they were juging me I grinned stupidly and pressed down onto the power button of my laptop. I had wanted to re-watch a lot of the episodes that had been aired, and so, I was doing just that. Then I could skip to the most recent one.

"Oh Naru Naru Naur~!" I sang, getting excited as I pressed the play button.

I watched the screen intently, watching the suna nin explore for the Akatsuki's explosive notes. Ehe, sneaky little bastards.

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