Thank You!

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I would love to thank each and every one of you, from the bottom of my heart! You're all amazing and wonderful and awesome for sticking through with this!

authorcat14  Thank you so much for sticking with all part one! Your feed back and comments make my day! I love reading your theories and some of them I wish I had thought up myself! You really are an amazing person and thank you so much for reading! You're wonderful! Please check out her book Angel Wings if you want to read about angels and demons and also it is very well written and she's worked super hard to bring a wonderful world filled with supernatural creatures to life! So check her and her book out! 😄

firebreathingmermaid I want to thank you as well for all the amazing comments and thank you so much for reading! Your input means a lot! 😊  Thank you for taking the time to read this book! You are wonderful, your art work is amazing (you should follow her Instagram account!) and I love November! Only if the rare werewolf books that's main center of the book isn't romance! Don't get me wrong, romance is nice, but November is a breath of fresh air! I love it and m get so wrapped into it! You all should check it out! It's amazing!

LiMillie33 Thanks for the votes, miss silent reader 😜 I'm glad you are able to get around to reading it when you can! Thanks for helping me out with ideas and trying to fix up plot holes to this story! Your advice and input help me out a ton! So thank you again!

TheStoryDemon Thanks for reading a bit of this! You are so nice and I just wanted to say thanks for trying this out! You all should read Sweet Child and other stories she has! They are so poetic and beautiful! I love reading them! I think anyone can really enjoy a bit of unique poetry! She really is an amazing writer!

vampchick12 thank you so much for reading the first few chapters and your feedback! I love reading your comments! You guys should check out her work The Sacrifice! It's pretty interesting!

HitTheDrum I would also like to thank you for trying out the first chapter! I've been meaning to try and get around to reading your story! It's in my library, so I just need to find the time! You seem like a really nice person! 😊

So please, support these people! They are all wonderful, amazing and talented! There are also a few campaigns I believe you should look into (because who doesn't love campaigns?)

notallareheroes_ (I'm gonna admit, I'm a little biased 😜) #notallareheroes_ is a wonderful campaign dedicated to heroes, villains and the amazing anti-heroes! Who doesn't love a good heroic or villainous story? There are writing prompts and soon to be contests!

MythologicalReads oh how I love this campaign! Everyone loves mythology right? That's kinda what this book is about! 😅 check them out! They have great stories and have an amazing account dedicated to not only Greek mythology but also many other types!

justanote I figured I'd tell you all about this campaign...well it's not really a campaign. Its an wonderful account dedicated to spreading  positivity to wattpad! Here's how it works;

You write a note to another wattpad user

You send the note to justanote

And they will post it addressed to the person it was meant for, though it will be anonymous

Just think of a mailbox for Valentine's Day. You put a note in, totally anonymous, and the person gets it and feels all warm inside! ☺️


Now for some info about Deities; part two of Immortals

We will have a major death 😵

We will also get to meet a future love interest to the little and misunderstood boy, Dane!😘

We will meet several Olympian and well known gods! 🤓

Someone is gonna turn bad 😮

We will get to explore the world of the gods (any ideas for the name of what their world should be called? Paradecios is the title for Chaos' palace, and Olympus is more of a city here) ⛲️

We shall get to meet Chaos (for real)😯

And last but not least...more secrets and more twists and turns to come. And perhaps we shall learn more about what exactly Dane is and what Nyx has in store for him.😳

(Sorry for all the emoji's 😁 I'm seeing what works and what doesn't.)

The first chapter of Deities shall be released soon!

-Kierstyn 😘

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