Closing In

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"Babe", Sienna shouted as she shook Michael's shoulder trying to wake him up. When she finally gave up on trying to shake him awake, he opened his eyes and smiled when she got off the bed. "What the fuck, why are you messing with me? Like, I'm really not in the mood right now Mikey," Sienna said angrily. "Woah babe, whats your problem?" Mike replied. "I told you, asshole, I got a missed call from my mom at who knows what time in the morning. I just got finished talking to her, and she said my little brother died, and that she--," Sienna broke down. Michael jumped up from the bed, hugging her from behind and kissing her neck, encouraging her to continue.

"She said that she needs help around the house and that she'll pay me to help cook and clean and shit. Is it fucked up that even though I'm her daughter, she has to pay me to help her out? I really don't know anymore. I'm eighteen, you're nineteen, and our lives are already falling apart. I don't talk to my family anymore, and I'm all caught up in this drug and partying shit. "

Michael rubbed her thighs, and said "I just don't want you going all good-girl on me babe. You know I love you, but I need you to be the bad girl I know you can be." By the time he was finished talking, he had one hand on her breast, and one hand massaging in between her legs.

"I won't baby, don't worry. I just think we can use the money, so can you help?" She asked. "Sienna, you know I love you but that ain't my responsibility. I will hit up D-Roc though, see how many runs I can fit in this week, maybe hitta lick." Mike said laughing. "But right now, I wanna show you what my responsibility is." He said smirking. Sienna, trying to convince herself that what Michael is saying is valid, went along with his sexual gestures.

Mike takes off his boxers and Sienna takes off her panties, both of them already being topless. They begin to make love. Michael takes control, putting her legs over his shoulders and thrusting slow and deep. Everything continues for 10 minutes until they both come to a climaxing finale.

"I love you, baby." Sienna said softly while kissing him passionately. "I love you too." Michael replied. Sienna got off of Michael and got dressed, so that she could head over to her mom's house, completely forgetting that their shitty ass car broke down.

"I may or may not be here when you get back, babe. Like I told you, Ima hit up D-roc to make some runs so, I'll call you if I go make some." Mike added. Sienna nodded and headed downstairs, and out the front door. Surprisingly, the car was fine when she revved it up.

When Sienna saw her mom for the first time in a year, it almost brought tears to her eyes, to see that her mother was still holding herself together, despite what she's been put through.

Originally, Sienna was really only supposed to stay for an hour or two, but she stayed for thirty minutes. That was only because her mom started complaining about how alone she was and how stupid Sienna's decisions are. Sienna was in no terms whatsoever stable enough to even begin to comprehend her mother's struggle, and was still trying to figure out whether she should be ashamed or not.

She stormed out angrily, and went home.

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