Devils Within

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Everyone was just about finished getting ready for the big party around 4:00pm.

Sienna was dressed in her leopard bodysuit, and ripped jean shorts, with navy green garter stockings, and a pair of metallic Doc Martens. She had her long blond hair up in a messy bun, her favorite pair of white plugs in her ears, and blood red lipstick on. With Senika's help she looked like a total bad-ass.

Michael just wore a gray supreme crew neck and light denim skinny jeans, and Senika wore her favorite tiger print, satin dress with a pair of red 6" louboutins, and her auburn hair ran right down, passed her breasts in beach curls.

After they all sprayed themselves with their personal favorite fragrances, they joined one another downstairs in the kitchen to check each other out. "We look good," Sienna said giggling. "What time is the party?" Senika looked at Mike. "He told me it starts at 5:30pm but said I could come early to help make sure everything is in place, so do you guys just want to come with?" Senika asked. Sienna and Mike agreed.

They all began to walk towards the door when Senika stopped the both of them, and looked out the window, at their car. "Guys, really, I think we should take my car," Senika said laughing. Sienna rolled her eyes, remembering Senika is a model, and she has a nice black Jaguar. Sienna and Mike didn't really care who's car they took, they knew their car had a seventy percent chance of breaking down again.

They arrive at Yours Truly, the club where D-Roc decided that he'd throw a big ass party for everyone who he knew, which was basically everyone in North Compton. He was one of the most known drug dealers in California. He was really the only negotiable drug dealer as well, but D-Roc was like a dad to his clients, in a weird way. Always meeting people's "drug needs". Sienna greets him with a friendly hug and Mike does another one of those weird hug/handshakes. Senika just smiles and raises her eyebrows in a "well-I'm-here-early-what-do-you-need-me-to-do" kind of way.

"All y'all look good, god damn," D-Roc exlaimed sounding quite impressed. "But uh, I already got Dee to help me set everything up so I'on really need y'all to do much." Despite Sienna's amount of stress, she actually smiled without completely forcing it. "I'm just tryna have some fun tonight, get my mind off things and outta the fuckin' gutter, at least for a night," She said as she pulled Michael next to her and kissed him softly on the lips.

Everybody smiled, and noticed people were pulling up to the side of the building, more than ready to get their freak on.

Sienna, Michael, and Senika greeted all of their friends and before they knew it they were on the dance floor, dancing nonstop to tons of rap songs. Sienna was grinding on Michael, Michael was grinding on Sienna. Senika was making out with her boyfriend Ryan, when she grabbed Sienna's arm and pulled her over to what everyone called the "drug table". There was pounds and pounds of crack cocaine, and marijuana, and three two-liter bottles of codeine.

It was a druggie's dream-come-true to see all different kinds of stress-relievers on one big table. Sienna's best friend Mikala shows up with 3 Ziploc bags of acid tabs, and Sienna's night was immediately made completely. She was no longer stressed, depressed, but she was completely wasted and it was only 7:00pm.

Luckily, despite Sienna's age, she's always been able to hold down a large amount of intoxications without becoming sick or even appearing so. She could still see the Burgundy paint on the walls change color from all the multi-colored lights. She could still see the black and white tiles on the floor very clearly, and she could still see everyone dancing, making out, and living live to the fullest in one building.

Sienna decided that, because she wasn't trippy yet, that she needed to increase the amount of drugs and alcohol in her system. Senika and Mike, however were completely bombed. Mike's speech was slurred, and Senika was sweaty and became so clumsy, she had to take her heels off.

 Sienna hugged Mikala, thanking her for bringing the special surprise. She put an acid tab on her tongue, hoping that would help her forget about everything for a while. Sienna stumbled back over to Mike, looked him in the eyes, and smirked while wrapping her arms around his neck and making out with him, waiting for the acid to set in.

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