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Michael went along with Sienna's aggressiveness, being very intoxicated as well. He was well aware of her instability, however. "ARE YOU OKAY?" He tried shouting over the music and yelling from others' party mouths. Confusion tattooed Sienna's face as things started happening in slow-motion. She squinted her eyes, trying, but failing to make sense of things.

She felt light, like a feather, on her feet all of a sudden. She felt really happy as the whole room started to light up and she heard every word of the music that was playing very precisely. Michael noticed her eyes become foggy and unreadable. She smiled at him, while he was still trying to figure out what was wrong with his girlfriend.

Five seconds later she collapsed onto the hard floor. 

Senika dropped her wine glass full of malt liquor, which shattered on the floor, and ran over to Sienna when she saw Mike try and get her to stand up. She waved Mikala over, as well and they took her to the bathroom to see if she was just dehydrated. They set her on the counter, and Michael made her sit upright, despite the fact that she was completely unconscious and all three of them were too intoxicated to notice.

Senika filled up a small cup that sat on the counter in between two sinks, and filled it with cold water. She handed it to Mike, who then threw the water at her face. Sienna jumped, becoming conscious again. However, that 5 minute knock-out didn't make the acid, alcohol, and marijuana wear off, evidently. After taking a minute or so to become somewhat aware of things again, she just sat on the counter silently, pulling her knees to her chest and resting her chin on her knees.

"Baby.. you scared me," Mike said with a shakey voice, brushing her hair towards the back of her head with his hands so he could see her face. She was crying, but still not speaking. Every couple seconds she would sniffle but that's about it. She barely even blinked, but you could still see her tears running down her red cheeks.

Mike kissed her forehead and Senika rested her hand on Sienna's back, while Mikala just watched from behind them, alert, just in case anything else happened.

Dee rushed into the bathroom all of a sudden and said "Mike, we gotta problem." Mike rushed out of the bathroom with Dee. Apparently D-Roc had an anti-fan. Roberto, a drug dealer in East Compton decided that he was big and bad enough to come to the party with 2 pistols, and randomly try and start shooting at people. Mike rushed back into the bathroom and shouted, "WE GOTTA GO."

Sienna raised her eyebrows, as Mike began to speak quickly, but softly. "Baby, we gotta get you out of here, I'll explain later." Ironically enough, there was an emergency exit in the bathroom. He let Sienna get on to his back so that he could carry her out. He had Senika walk in front, and Mikala walk behind him to ensure that Sienna would be safe, even if it meant risking his own life. Michael was not about to let the love of his life get hurt.

They got out into the parking lot and headed for Senika's car. However, nobody knew that Roberto had people waiting for him in the parking lot. His little helpers were in a white Cadillac waiting to hit a lick of anyone who was trying to escape. Michael pretended as if he didn't notice, but he did, for he just didn't want to cause a commotion.

Senika saw the people in the white Cadillac smirk, preparing to attack, but Mike and Mikala were able to get Sienna in the car safely and drive away nonchalantly.

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