Do you believe in fire wolfs?

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Some say that if you're walking through the forest at night, when the snow cover it all, you'll see a fire wolf running freely through the snow. Is an legend of the place I'm living in. I have never believe that. I think they're wrong.

"Why?" you say? Well... the first reason is that red wolfs don't exist here... second! I'm always walking through the forest at night... why haven't I seen it?

My name is Skila and I'm 16 years old. I live in a small town surrounded by mountains. If you'd meet me, you would say something about my red hair... it wouldn't be the first time. Is strange. No one in my family had red hair... most of them have their hair black (like my father) or blonde (like my mother and brothers - I have two -). But no... mine is red!

We live near the outskirts of the town. Not far from our home is an forest... and that's my favorite place. The nature, the animals, the birds and... the wolfs. I've always loved animals and more than anything: WOLFS!

The first time I meet one was when I was 4 years old. I was running through the forest. I was playing with my twin brother. (And yes... he doesn't have red hair) Suddenly, a huge "dog-like creature" jumped out of the bushes in front of me. He was covers in scars. He looked at me for a second and then he continue his running. I followed him. Of course... he was much more faster than me. The next thing I knew: I was lost. But I wasn't scared. I continue running and, once again, I found myself in front of a "dog-like creature". (That's what I thought they are)

This one was smaller and his white fur was really soft. How do I know that? Because, immediately after I seen it, I hugged him. Surprisingly (for other people), he didn't tried to attack me or to run away.

It's been 12 years since then and my only true friends at the wolfs. The scarred wolf is the leader of the pack and the white one... is my best friend. My life isn't that simple but that's what I love about it. OK... maybe I don't like my school life because I don't have any friends there and it's really boring but the rest... I can't ask for more!

School... I really don't like it! There are the classes that are so awful. The teachers at OK but the things they teach us... maybe others really have what to learn but for me... my twin forced me to learn everything in a few years so... nothing's new for me.
There are the popular girls that... I simply hate! They think they know everything, they are loud and... stupid.
And... at the end... there are the bullies. I don't know if you've ever been bullied but... is not nice. For me... is about my red hair. It wouldn't take me long to beat them up but... I don't want to get in trouble.

And that's... my life.

Author's note: Hi everyone!!! So this is my new book. I hope you'll like it!!!
Anyway... in the picture above ^ is how Skila looks... (not really... on the cover is how she really looks) ^_^

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