Notes- Tom & Jerry

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For what felt like the hundredth time, Bridget turned the key again, but the car still didn't start. Groaning, she punched the steering wheel, hoping that maybe now it would work. Instead, all it did was honk the horn loudly and call attention to herself.

Finally, after one last turn of the key, the engine rumbled to life. The amber-haired girl drove quickly out of the convenience store parking lot, shivering slightly. A few years ago there was a rumor that a woman was murdered there. Her Aunt May didn't believe it for a second, calling it "hodgepodge" but it still scared her to go to the small store on the corner of town.

As she drove, she switched on the the radio. The perky girl that announces the music always seemed to brighten her day up.

"Helllllo UK! I'm Bella Higgins and this is the top 40! Right now though we're gonna take a break from the list and do a twitter request. Lets see, Aaron from Birmingham wants Kiss You by One Direction! Here it is."

She cheered as the first notes to the upbeat song came on. Sure, she was a bit more of a Dewdrop, a fan of Emma Ingledew, but One Direction were a close second. Bridget sang along over dramatically to the lyrics as she navigated her way home. Parking in the driveway, she waved to Mrs. Pritchard, who was currently gardening outside.

She smiled. "Hello Bridget dear. How have you been? Oh, wait! I've got something for your aunt." She rummaged around in her bag before producing a couple of apples.

She took them, gratefully. Everyone in town knew that the Pritchard's had the most tart apples in town. Thanking the elderly woman, she went inside her own house. ""Aunt May? I got the groceries"

She poked her head out of the kitchen. "Hey hon! Put 'em in here." She said, taking a few of the bags from me and started putting the milk in the fridge.

As she did, Bridget leaned on the counter top, skimming through the calendar. There was a big circle on tomorrow, labeled Emma Ingledew Concert in big red pen. Smiling, she averted her eyes to see a small scribble on today's date.

"Hey Aunt May, don't you have a date with Uncle Ben tonight?"

Her eyes grew wide and she stopped putting the tomatoes in midway. "Er, yes- yes I do. Do you mind-"

"Putting the rest of the stuff away? Don't worry. Now hurry and get dressed." Bridget finished for her and watched as she took off, rushing upstairs. "Wear the blue one with the belt!" she shouted, chuckling when she heard the "Yes I like that one!".

That was her aunt for you.

She heard the shower go on and procceed to put the rest of the groceries away. Once finished, she settled on the sofa and flipped through the channels. Seeing that Tom & Jerry on and practically jumped for joy.

After about five minutes of watching the unlikely pair chase each other through the house, The doorbell rang. She went to open it, hearing Aunt May shout that she was almost done.

Checking through the window, she recognized Uncle Ben and let him in, giving him a hug. "How are you Bridget?" He greeted.

"I'm doing great as usual. Aunt May is still-"

Ben just laughed. "Getting ready, I know. I've been with that woman long enough to know her and her memory."

"I heard that!" Aunt May's voice chimed from the upper level, making the two laugh again.

Uncle Ben lowered his voice, beckoning her to come closer so he could whisper within her hearing range. "So I'm doing it tonight."

Bridget's eyes lit up. Ben and her aunt had been dating for over eight years. Many people in their town always wondered why they hadn't tied the knot yet, and when she finally got the courage to ask Uncle Ben why, he gave her an answer. He said that he wasn't sure how she'd have taken it, which was silly considering he was basically my father already. But last week she gave him her "permission" and was planning to ask Aunt May to marry him. She found it rather funny as she'd already been planning their wedding since she was 12.

She tried to hold in her squeal now. "Really? Can I see the ring?"

He nodded and pulled the blue velevt box out of his pocket. It was beautiful, and Bridget was anxious to see her aunt wear it when she got back. She'd make her spill the details then.

He quckly put it away when Aunt May finally came down, wearing the dress Bridget had suggested. "Okay Bridge, there's pasta leftovers in the fridge but if you want you can order pizza- I'll leave money on the counter." Kissing her niece's cheek, she left with Ben, Bridget shooting him a thumbs up when they left the driveway.

Finally, she had the house to myself.

Tom & Jerry was still playing on the telly, and she saw it was one of the rare episodes where they sorta work together. Sudden inspiration struck, and she hurriedly pulled out my phone. My iPhone 4 was my most prized posession, for one main reason. The Notes app.

Apple had probably meant it as something to be used for when you were in a hurry or something and needed to write a quick tip. Or maybe to house your to-do list, reminding you not to forget to get eggs. Whatever they made it for, it probably wasn't what Bridget Paddington used it for. She wrote, either random tidbits or long essays on a certain matter, whether it be hers or someone else's work.

Once she slid the lock, she was greeted with the Robert Frost poem she'd copied down, The Road not Taken. She opened a new note and started typing furiously.

Tom & Jerry is a funny show, and not just for the reasons you'd think. The cat, Tom, struggles to catch the mouse, Jerry. Jerry in turn runs for his life.

The show is made in a way that the audience feels as if they need to be on Jerry's side, but whenever something really bad happens to Tom. But what I think is the greatest thing about the whole show, is that they love each other.

Now before you deny it and laugh, think about it. Tom and Jerry act like an old married couple. Tom is the husband that wants to get his way but never does. Jerry is the clever wife who tricks Tom into falling for it and having to do what he wants.The physical harm is like the insults. But those episodes where they get along and defeat a ghost are when they care the most for each other. After all, how many times when Tom thought Jerry was dead did he make a small grave for him and place flowers?

She set the mobile down. This wasn't one of her best, but she bet that she could improve it later. She turned off the telly and let out a random groan. Her stomach was growling so she ordered that pizza, while eating he leftovers her aunt had left her. She surfed YouTube for awhile, watching videos and eating the cheese pizza.

After watching a particularly strange one (A/N: EXCUSE TO SHOW YOU A VIDEO ON SIDE HAHA) she decided that I would hit the hay, as it was about 10.

Imagine, I'd see Emma Ingledew in one week she smiled to herself. And with that happy thought, drifted off to sleep.

Who knew that Emma wouldn't be the only one Bridget'd see next week.



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