Notes - Concert

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"Are you serious Harry?"

"What?" He asked, knowing fully well what he was guilty of. The bastard was even grinning.

"A poppy concert? What am I, a teenage girl?" Niall shot, gazing at the big poster strewn on the arena they were trying to park in front of. He read the name out loud. "Emma Ingledew? Wasn't she on the telly last night?"

"Yes, but hear me out mate." His younger friend tried to assure him while looking for an available parking space. "She and I have history, and I just wanted to see if she'd still like to see me."

Niall snorted. "History? Like what? Second from that big red minivan." He pointed to the space next to the car. "If she's one from your 'barely legal' days I doubt she'd want to see you."

Harry huffed, parking the car with a smooth turn of the wheel. "No, she's older than that. I heard she made it big and managed to get tickets. You think she'll be glad to see me?"

"How old then?" The doors were now unlocked, and Harry's voice was muffled slightly as Niall got out. "Sorry, repeat?"

"I said beyond X Factor old." He was ruffling through his pockets now, before brandishing two tickets.

"Oh mate you're in for a shit storm then."

Harry for some reason had had the worst of management's wrath. Once One Direction had gotten signed actually, management had basically asked him to relinquish any hold he had on his old life, as he would be scrutinized the most by the outside world. A year ago he had met one of his old friends in the train and had been nearly slapped to death.He shrugged however.

"Not with Emma, she's different."

His bandmate doubted him, but didn't say anything as they trudged down to the arena. He pushed the glasses on his nose and adjusted the gray beanie covering his head. They would serve as his disguise, as bad as it was.


The two settled into their second row seats, and Niall looked to Harry expectantly. The Cheshire boy sighed then took a breath."Fine. I'll explain." He looked grim.

"She was my best friend, since we were like, I don't know, four or something. We were really close and stuff, and I kinda fancied her too."

Niall groaned. "Oh no you didn't."

Harry gave a guilty sigh. "I did. I told her the day I left for boot camp too, right at the departure area. But it wasn't a proper explanation, I well I-"

"Please tell me you didn't." Niall put his hands over his eyes, like it would soften the blow. He peeked at the remorseful 20 year old.

"I just kissed her! I don't know what made me do it, but oh it felt good Ni. And then you know what happened after that."

One Direction became a thing, and management stepped in. Niall guessed that this Emma was one of the ones that had had to fade away.

People were starting to file in now however, and he couldn't voice his thoughts further. Pulling the beanie to cover his browning hair better, he burrowed himself in the seat. He hoped that this Emma girl was a good singer, if not for himself but for Harry. He shoved, his glasses closer to his eyes, determined to not be seen and ruin this for his friend.

His resolve to keep low was disturbed however, by a person with bright red hair settling themselves next to him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her pull her cardigan closer, an anxious yet excited expression on her face. Unfortunately, she noticed his awkward presence, and began to gawk right back at him.

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