Nonsensical - Day II

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I am sorry. I am so so sorry. *thrusts chapter at you* forgive me!



Almost immediately as I shut the door of the flat behind me, the kitchen's landline began to ring. From the couch where he was watching the telly, Zayn shot me an annoyed look, before returning his gaze to what looked like Top Gear.

His behavior hadn't changed since that first day last week. He was still as arrogant as ever, quick to trap me in a fight, especially at the worst moments, like when I was late for work.

Technically, from where he was sitting, Zayn was more obliged to get the phone than I was, all the way across the flat at the door, but that was unlikely to make any difference. All insisting would do was start an explosive argument that led to the cheeky next door neighbor of ours to ask how the makeup sex was when I passed her on the way to work the next day.

I huffed past him, picking up one of the pillows of my bed/couch. I grabbed the wailing receiver on it's fourth ring. "Hello?"

"Bella! Oh just the person I wanted to talk to. Grab Zayn for me would you, I need the both of you present for this. Tell him it's Megan from Modest."


I pinched together the two parts of of my collar and dragged them up and down my neck. To my right, Zayn made an irritated sound.


He let go of my hand to scratch the back of his head, a gesture I'd learned meant he was getting frustrated. "You keep doing the thing with the collar of your dress!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What thing?"

He rolled his eyes, then mimicked my earlier actions. If we had better contact, I would've laughed. I pretended to still be confused.

"The itching your neck with your collar thing! For god's sake if its that itchy then unbutton it! It's still summer, you don't need all the buttons up."

I sighed, but pasted an amused smile on to make it seem as we both weren't exasperated with each other. Megan would probably have both our head's on a stick.

We were out, in an outlet mall of sorts that was an ten minute walk from our flat. We'd picked up coffee and a some chocolatey goodness on our walk to show ourselves off. Megan had tipped off the paparazzi when we'd gotten here fifteen minutes ago, and if I happened to turn my head just so, I could make out the flash of a camera's shutter.

"You haven't touched your brownie you know." I pointed the napkin at Zayn. It was evident that pretending to be lovey-dovey with me was taking its toll. Obviously I was the better actor here. I waved my eyebrows at him, hoping he'd understand my challenge.

From the narrowing of his eyes, I guessed that he had. He leaned closer, his shoulder hitting mine. "Why don't you feed it to me then?" One end of his lips were turned up, in what could only be defined as a smirk. On him it looked both fitting and out of place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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