Hell's angel chapter 11

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Narrated by star:
When I was a little girl life for me sucked my parents never loved me from the time I was born they raised me to be a assassin they raised me to do everything right and if it wasn't right the first time they beat me and beat me and beat me until I got it right I had a sister she was the only one that showed me kindness it's hard for me to let anyone inside hard for me to look at someone and say hey you want to be a friend until one day I finally snapped it all started on one cold September night

A small little girl by the name of star was in her room sitting on her bed looking up at the ceiling till she heard her name called downstairs the young girl got up and walked downstairs never once slouching and Brown cold eyes this girl was broken and beaten beyond repair Yes Mother the girl said without any emotion at all in her voice you are to wash the dishes clean your room clean the house pick up everything in the back yard then you are to do your training now said the woman Yes Mother said the young girl she did all of your chores that night she heard screaming from her younger sister's room WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Young girl heard her angry father yell she knew exactly what happened and the one thing that could reach her cold heart was her younger sister she immediately ran upstairs kicked open the door to find the most gruesome gut wrenching site her parents has literally beaten her little sister to death there was blood covering the carpet her little sisters head was severed from the body her guts were pulled out and flung all over the place a single tear went down Stars face she wiped the tear away and looked up at her parents anger present in her eyes her parents turned to look at her only to step back in fear her eyes turned completely black and her teeth sharpened to a point resembling what of sharks then she spoke with a demonic dark voice what did you do the
Angry girl said in a very dark voice we punished your sister said her mother not scared anymore the girl just lifted up her head and stared at them how could you do this killed my little sister !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She said the parents were now scared again stepping back to the wall she grew long sharp black nails that were probably over a foot long you will pay for what you've done even if I have to rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat so you can watch my claws tear your carcass open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Said the girl and she started to walk closer to her parents her parents coward in the corner year's you beat me humiliated me and disgraced me I can handle that but when you lay a hand on my sister I can't take it anymore hahahahahaha I'm gonna tear you apart!!!!!!!!
The parents just watched in fear after their daughter got closer all you could hear was their screens and beg for mercy as the girl fulfilled on Her promises of tearing them apart guts and blood flying everywhere as their cries soon stopped the girl's eyes went back to normal and she just stared at the mess she made wide-eyed eventually her eyes went back to normal and she was running out of the house not without grabbing a few of her personal things and running out of house and into the woods she was running and running until she came across a girl by the name of Luna Luna was the second person to show Star kindness they became like sisters and they spent years together one day Luna had to go Star understood she waved as Luna left and Luna waves right back by Star said Luna by Luna said Star but that's the past star is now 17 years old a trained assassin and still the best friend of Luna Noche.

PS: STAR'S theme songs up top

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