Did You Know -27-

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Christmas party approaching its third hour, Robyn sat on the couch flanked by Regina and Barb the three involved in a heated discussion concerning whether or not musician David Bowie was a stone cold fox. It was Regina's opinion that he most definitely was not while Barb claimed she would marry him in a heartbeat and have a minimum of three of his babies. Although Robyn mentioned there was something captivating about him she was more in agreement with Regina.

Barb regarded her friends with much disappointment as she shook her head while nibbling a gingerbread cookie. That cookie was partially responsible for the current topic since Barb claimed its little face created by icing looked quite similar to David Bowie. Regina and Robyn had immediately shared a look both wondering the same thing--had Barb drank a few cups of the adult eggnog?

"You two are nuts if you honestly believe David is anything less than foxy. Know what I heard?" Barb's expression turned mischievous as she placed the cookie version of her favorite musician on her thigh. Hands raised she held them about a foot apart. "He's big. Like big."

Regina appeared dubious. "What're you talking about? That guy's so skinny whenever he turns sideways he becomes invisible."

Glad she hadn't been drinking when Regina said that, her tone of voice and expression so serious despite the humor in that reply, Robyn attempted to smother a laugh. Meanwhile, Barb looked offended for the man whose babies she would be open to having.

"No, Ginny. I mean big." Eyes almost comically wide shifted between the curious pair. "You know...big."

A sigh slipped through Robyn's lips. "Just because you keep saying big and adding emphasis to it doesn't mean we know what you're getting at. Please explain a little more. You mean he's a big performer as in he puts on a big show in those outrageous outfits he wears?"

"No. Come on, Robbie. I know we learned in your basement that you're a virgin, but this isn't hard."

Robyn smirked. "Thanks for bringing that up. So this is sex related?"

"I got it," Regina said, face cloaked in certainty. Although feeling a combination of stupid and clueless Robyn asked her to share what she had. First ascertaining the guests in the vicinity of the couch they occupied weren't listening Regina's voice reduced to just above a whisper. "Think she's hinting that David Bowie can more than adequately fill out a pair of pants. In the crotch area."

An invisible light bulb springing to life Robyn's face scrunched up. "Ew."

Barb disagreed. "Not ew. It's awesome." Reaching across their virginal friend she squeezed Regina's knee. "The bigger the better. Right, Ginny?"

It was Regina's turn to disagree. "I'm more of the opinion it's not what you have, but how you use it."

"What if you have a lot and you use it well? Like my David 'cause I also hear he's boss in the bedroom." Retrieving cookie David she bit off one of his hands.

"I don't need it big. Wouldn't want it big. That might freak me out."

Robyn groaned. "This conversation is freaking me out. Could we talk about something other than men with large...crotch areas?"

Catching a pair of light eyes staring in their direction from across the room Regina snickered. "How about we discuss girls with large...chest areas?" She made a point of looking south of Barb's face. "And I'm not referring to Dolly Parton over there." When her vision returned to that particular location Robyn and Barb followed suit, the non-David Bowie lover groaning again.

"Ooh." The grin took its time forming but it finally made to Barb's lips. "Is that why you don't wanna discuss bananas? You like peaches now?" She laughed when Robyn snatched the cookie and viciously bit into David Bowie's head. "Is that a yes?"

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