Chapter 1: Your Best Friend

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Haruhi proceeded through the unusually large door to find a flower. It looked like the ones in the flowerbed, except it had a face. Haruhi stared at it for a while, and it began to speak.
"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower! You're new to the underground, aren't'cha? Someone oughta show you how things work around here."
The flower winked at Haruhi. She stared at it in awe.
'A talking flower?' Haruhi thought, 'Impossible. Flowers can't talk, right?'
All of a sudden, a tiny, glowing heart appeared in front of Haruhi. It was cute, in a strange way.
"That is your soul!" The flower explained. "It is the very culmination of your being!"
'My soul, huh? Aren't souls supposed to stay on the... Inside?'
Haruhi contemplated the nature of souls, while the flower prattled on about LV or something. Then, Haruhi was caught off guard by something the flower called 'friendliness pellets'. They touched her soul and she collapsed. The flower gave Haruhi a sinister smile.
"You IDIOT. Why would anyone pass up an opportunity like this?"
Haruhi was then surrounded. It looked like the end for our poor heroine. But, she was saved at the last minute by a mysterious figure.

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