Chapter 1: Spotlight on Graceling

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Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive! Quote by Sir Walter Scott

Chapter 1: Spotlight On Graceling

Graceling Showalter Rose sat tiredly on one of the cushioned chairs in the square walled office. Its white walls encircling her like a cocoon and trapping her. The oak desk was propped on all fours on the plush carpet and she tried to show a professional face at her boss who was staring right back at her.

More likely, Graceling trying to stay awake and not sluggishly sigh with a tired breath. The man's face was very masculine; his face was very reputably handsome and charming. This man showed interest. This man showed business and this man was filthy rich by the upraise money he gained by, as he called "His Show Girls" and that also referred to Graceling more so than all the others.

Graceling was the star. She was the number one for her performances and would get all the fame and glory. Yet, in truth she would be called, in her boss's ice blue eyes "Strip Tease," because Graceling's haunting dance was the reasons why she brought the male testosterone to clap and hoot with praise. Graceling Showalter Rose was why she got the money rolling. Who got the seats filled and got the drinks being spent as they laughed or shouted boisterously for this moment to never end.

I moved my eyes slowly upwards. Analyzing my boss, Dominic Rogue, and taking in his brooding looks. Of course this man had the obvious black hair, strong chin. The man wore a suit that framed his muscular body and all that shity pizzazz. This man labeled the type to make a woman take once glances at him and suddenly fall weak in the knees. I wasn't that carefree girl. The obliviously loving woman anymore and the kind in which wondered: I should be taller? Why didn't I change to more stylish clothes to impress? Why couldn't I be skinnier like one of those models in magazines and T.V?

Nevertheless, I not so eagerly inched my mouth on both sides of my lips. Trying to form a smile to present to him when really I wanted to pack my clothes, my extra money and get the hell out of here!

Men were pigs. Men were dogs. This man was no different. Yet I am sure if someone asked me why I am complaining and then I happen to tell her my so-called job. They would nag, "If you think men are dogs. Why flash your body like that?'' or "You shouldn't talk Miss. You're not respecting yourself any way's.''

I didn't want to hear them and I cared nonetheless. They would all be hypocrites. The public would all be the accusing finger instead of putting themselves in my shoes and experiencing what I have gone through. Enduring all the pain I had to contain in such a short time...

"Very well done my Strip Tease," he said breaking my concentration.

Suddenly clasping his hands together and leaned O' soo slowly on top of the base of the oak desk. "But what can I expect from someone like you. You turn a boring pole dancing into an extraordinary art form and you darling. A work of art,'' he smiled devilry. "It makes me even wish if only I was fourteen years younger,'' grazing my body with his eyes. Looking with no shame while I bristled, "I wouldn't mind banging that.''

I leveled my next tone of voice. Making sure it was cool and collected, "Dominic Rogue. That is a sweet compliment but um...I do believe we should be moving along,'' I batting my eyelashes for affect. "Especially," I continued, "When obviously you are preoccupied.''

Dominic chuckled in response. Keeping his eyes in contact with mine as one of "His Show Girls" was seductively putting a delicate hand on his chest as she circled away from the back of his leather swivel chair. The only thing separating bare skin was his and her clothes.

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