Chapter 7: Crazed, Confused, Out of my Mind

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Chapter 7: Crazed, Confused, Out of my Mind~

My heart pounded. My heart ached and it was not from the awakening call of Graceling's kick that set me ajar but the disappointment of her denying the flood of passion that ran between us. If so, then she would deny us both: the need, the fire, the wanting to get lost.

At the same time, the definition of lost was defined when I felt the burning agony of her perfect aim to my scoring area. Graceling leaving me without breath and now leaving me with anger coming forward but it replaced it with fascination as I acknowledged these reasons: Graceling took no bull-shit, Graceling was feisty, and Graceling was an actress that can fool the hearts of a player, a player like I.

Graceling set my pants on fire. It hurt like Hell from her kick as I rolled with the waves of this pain. Graceling did things that no woman has done before: she talked back with boldness, she bit my tongue right off and now she kicked me in the balls.

How much can a man take?

More so, how much can a heart of mine take?

Graceling didn't grovel. Didn't come easy on giving me what I wanted. Usually when someone heard that I was my boss's son, when people realized I was the prime and joy of Dominic Rogue, their first instinct would be to step back. To therefore retreat because of all the secrets roaming around in our family and to tell you truth I gloried in them.

Even though I didn't take much heed in people's whispers and what people were saying about my dad's background I instead ignored the rumors going around. Not paying attention to the entire tale's but all I paid attention to was being acknowledged that I should not be messed around with.

Now I wonder, what were the questions that was spoken about my family, Were they lies? Were people envies of what my farther gained like money and fame? What secrets did I not even know about? Secrets that were told about our own family and yet I was the son, Dominic's Rogue's son and yet I was clueless.  I had to find out but first things first, I had to get up and retain my composure again.

Maan, that girl can make one mighty killer hit. One of these days, she's going to reward me by kissing me and making me all better.

Yea, I said to myself with curiosity, Graceling is going to nurse and heal all my pains.

To be quiet honest, I did hear all the outrage in Graceling's voice when she announced her speech. How she had rights like every person who walked this earth. How she didn't like being harassed by me and how she was blunt about her life's work. How she was a stripper that danced for people to see. Yet her limits would only go so far like how she had respect and morals for herself where she would not sleep with any guy.

A picture of another man flew in my head, of another guy doing the things I was doing to her and suddenly my hands made two fists of hate. If someone was touching her the way I was touching her, touching that silky skin, someone else's fingers moving through the thickness of her hair and more importantly getting a taste of her lips over and over again. I would commit murder; I would grab that stranger by the cuff of his shirt and throttle him.

It surprised me that I had all these mixed up and confused emotions, I didn't turn the other cheek and pretend I wasn't confused. I had feelings, feelings for her... Now, fire cracker Graceling might imply her-self, as she says, "I may be a girl, Mr. Hunter,'' I quote but I saw something much more.

A woman before my eyes, a temptress and a bossy woman but if I tested her, Graceling wasn't someone where you cannot rear back like an animal but had to do the math to find out how to whisk her off her feet. Because once Graceling was through with you, it was a rap and she wouldn't give you a second look.

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