Chapter 3: Far from my-self, only the Devil Would Recognize

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Please Read: "My heart will break apart. The life of a vote, beside me there. They the sighns to show you care. For the loving votes will bring me back to life and make me become alive. Please, don't let me die :'(''

<<------------------------------------ Just click the button, right there. Clicky, clicky baby...Comment if you think Macy is a *whisper slut and does she deserve love still.  

"The road to heaven, pay with good intentions. Yea! But if I die tonight, at least I can say I did what I wanted to do. Tell me, how about you?" Lyrics by Madonna's CD Hard Candy 

Chapter 3: Far from my-self, only the Devil Would Recognize

~Hunter POV~

That woman called Graceling Showalter Rose...

 She being solid one minute and then like an evaporation disappearing like a huff of air. This feline disappeared through that door and ceiled my sight from her by closing the door behind her. I desperately want to witness those eyes again. To reach and touch the pad of my thumb over her eyelids as if to trace and mesmerize the way her upper eyebrows was; making me become entranced.

I was more or less bewitched. Bewitched when our eyes first met for the first time, I fell so far away. Because Graceling Showalter Rose eyes were captivating: like the soft soil of comforting brown but on the surface her eyes were green like the sprouting of leaves. Of life and it brought a fiery hearth to my slow beating heart.

Those tricked eyes that made me believe I would be held close. That I would be soothed by the welcoming sway of her gaze... Yet the suspicion was what fate she would bestow upon me.

Would she fuel compassion even more? Would she be sly and keep secrets from me? Would she be truthful or would she turn around to be untrustworthy?  They said eyes were the window to the soul. That they could see your true inner feelings and so I ask myself.

Could Graceling see it? Could she see the feelings within me? Then another thought crossed my mind, something very disturbing, 'Who was the master? Who was the slave? Was it either Graceling or I? For I wanted to press my lips: to where her beautiful naked hips were and I loving it but...but.

Was this only lust? Was it just the burn of the challenge? Was it me just wanting to play with her? Being bad, I wanted to take this little spit fire for a ride. The way Graceling, strong Graceling was bold in threatening and holding her ground intrigued me.

Like I remembering when she said, "You bet your tongue I will,'' and ending with. "I may bite it off completely and then this time you won't have a tongue to use."

Usually girls would tease and flirt. The usual reaction that any woman would respond if they wanted to attract the opposite sex to be more interested in them: first twirling their hair. Second batting those big long lashes and thirdly sigh with an intense eye contact. But this woman did the total opposite: she kept to herself wanting her personal space. This woman wasn't timid or shy as she spoke her mind. Graceling would also avoid making any eye contact with me as if I was something that should be dodged. Avoided and worse...Ignored.

I was not going to be ignored by her! I was going to have none of that space between us. No. None of that... Wasn't woman supposed to be soft, gentle, and submissive and show some womanly concern? The way she was passive when she bit my tongue lit anger in me but at the same time. That pain enticed me to lurch forward towards the challenge because she was unlike any woman I have ever met.

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