Becoming Friends

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Jeff the Killer
You were strolling down an alley one day when you were suddenly grabbed from behind. "Got you now, (Y/N)." A deep voice whispered. A plan popped up in your head. The objective was simple. Kick him in the nuts and run while calling 9-1-1. You did just that. "Um, excuse me? A murderer named "Jeff the Killer" is trying to kill me. I kicked him and ran. Can you get the police?" You asked the 9-1-1 operator. "Of course, hon. Where are you?" "Um, (Street Name). I'm in an alleyway. I'll come out and make myself visible. That alright?" "Yes that's great. We're coming over now." She hangs up. You breath a sigh of relief. "WAIT!" A gruff voice yells while pulling you deep into the alley. "You HAVE to hide me." He stammered. "I can't get caught again." Seeing the look of fear on his face made him look almost human. You sighed. "In return, can you please just be cool and be my friend? Also, you have to protect me." "Yeah. Easy enough. C'mon they're coming!" He hissed. "Hide me!" "Okay okay just be quiet." You whispered. You hid him in the dumpster. You ran out of the alley. "Oh. Hi." You greeted a police officer. "Yes, hello, miss. Where is this Jeff? We've been trying to track him down for weeks." He grunted. "Oh, yeah! He ran as soon as I called." You replied. "Alright. You know where he went?" He said. "Yep. He ran down there." You pointed to the alleyway across from you. "Thanks, kid." Then he ran towards the alley you pointed to. You walked back to the alleyway where Jeff was. "They're gone." You said. He jumped out. "Thanks. I-I'll be your friend again..." "Thank you!" You said.
"Yeah. Don't mention it." He blushed.

Ticci Toby

      Toby knew a good diner when he saw one. While you and him were there, you devoured you pancakes and bacon while Toby inhaled (quite literally, since he breathed in the smell for like, 5 minutes) his waffles and wolfed down his bacon. When you guys finished eating, he slipped his goggles, mouthgaurd, and gloves back on. He patted you head and smiled. You smiled, knowing that there was nothing romantic to it.

                       BEN Drowned

   You always tried to contact BEN ever since you met him. You even read his story. You wondered why he didn't torture you mentally like he did to  Jadusable. On Cleverbot, you typed in a bunch of BEN stuff, but you couldn't find him. Finally, you decided to take a break and go to GameStop to buy a game. You started running to the nearest GameStop you knew.

                     Le Time Skip

    You stopped next to GameStop, panting. You just ran 5 miles to the nearest GameStop and you were exhausted. Anywho, you walked in after you caught your breath. When you went in, you saw a familiar blonde boy with sea blue eyes walk out. He had the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask game in his hands. You tapped his shoulder and he looked up. He gave you a perverted smile. "I guess you've found me, eh?" He said. "Hey, (Y/N), it's BEN. I'll take you to an arcade and we can talk."

                'Nother Time Skip

    You and BEN talked while playing games (BEN won most of them) and afterwards went out for pizza. BEN apologized for scaring you after popping out of the computer screen and wanted to be friends. You pondered about being friends with a pyschopathic killer, but eventually you gave in. BEN was very kind to you, even though he was a bit ( oops I meant a lot) of a pervert.

Note-Sorry about the short Toby scenario! I didn't really have anything. Forgive me please!

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