New Character:Bloody Painter

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     Hey, Helen, c'mere!
Helen: ...Hi.
You're gonna be a new character in these scenarios!
Helen: ...Yay.
Cookie? *hands him cookie*
Helen: ...Thank you. *eats cookie* Thank you for putting me in these scenarios.
You're welcome! I might put in Kagekao or Dr.Smiley, even though you guys aren't that popular.
Helen: Thank you, once again, thank you.
Also, shoutout to SophieTheSushiRoll because you asked me to, Sophie-chan. Check out TheSushiRoll's one-shot book.
Have fuuun!!

When You Two Meet

"Hayden! Lyra! Where are you guys?" You looked around for your friends. You looked in their dorm rooms. You gasped in shock and horror. "H-Hayden... Lyra... N-No... NO!" You stared in horror at your friends' mangled corpses. On the wall, a message was written in blood. Don't be excited for tomorrow. There is no tomorrow :). A teenager with black hair, blue clothes, black gloves, and a smiley-face mask with a bloody knife in hand stood over their bodies. The smile was drawn in blood. "D-Did you... Do th-this...?" He turned towards you. "...What do you think?" You shook in fear. "I-I've seen your artwork, Helen... Otis, right? They're nice." After all, you only had one black-haired student in your class. Well, alive, I guess. "Th-They're beautiful." Helen seemed shocked. "Your deductive skills are good. And, thank you for the complement. I guess... I'll leave you alive." You felt as if you were blessed. "On one condition." You raised an eyebrow. "And that is...?" "Be my friend... Please?" You sighed. That can't be that hard... Can it? "Sure." The Bloody Painter seemed to smile. "Friends?" "Friends."

     Becoming Better Friends!!

You two began hanging out in your basement (of course after your friends' funerals) If you don't have a basement you do now!. You drew beautiful pieces of artwork whilst he painted. "Hey, Helen?" "Mhmm?" "What's your 'Special Paint'?" He turned towards you. He lifted up his mask so you could see his mouth, which was in a thin, straight line. "The blood of my victims." Helen answered nonchalantly. On the outside, you were completely fine. On the inside, you were flipping out. "Oh." You said in a squeaky voice. ANDNKCAKEOOSNEICJWGQCAHDNRKQMSBDJE WHAT THE FRICKING HECK??! You thought. WHY DIDNT HE TELL ME THIS BEFORE?! The Painter chuckled. "If you're uncomfortable about it I won't use it when you're around." You gulped. "And I didn't tell you before because I thought you would freak out and call the police. But now I know you better." His corners of his lips quirked up ever so slightly. You nodded. "I-It's okay... You can use the special paint when I'm around... But how did you know what I was thinking?" The teen shrugged. "Magic...?" "I guess that's a valid excuse..."

He Finds Out He Has Feelings For You!

Helen's POV

I grumbled. "Stupid hair getting in my eyes..." I held my bangs the side. "I'll have to cut it..." I really like this hairstyle, though! Light footsteps tapped on the basement floor. "Here." (Y/N) handed me a large hair clip. "I use this to hold up my hair. I'll let you borrow it." I blushed a little. Of course, she couldn't see it because I had my mask on. "Thanks..." I took it and clipped my bangs to the side. "Thank you." I said in a firmer voice. (Y/N) smiled. I think I just felt my heart melt. "Your welcome. Just give it back when you're done." Then she walked away. I looked at the sketch of a vase of flowers. A decoy, of course. I took the worn bedsheet off of my canvas. The painting of the (H/C)-haired girl was unfinished. I sighed. "Time to get back to work on my special project."

     He Asks You Out

"Just add that...A bit of this... And done!" You just finished a painting of a starry night sky. "Helen, come here, please!" You really wanted to show you. "Yeah, sure. Just a minute..." The ravennette covered his painting with an old bedsheet. Helen walked over. "Yes?" You beamed at him. "Look, Helen!" You looked at your painting. "Do you like it?" He pushed up his mask a bit so you could see his slight smile. "Yes, it's very nice. Also, (Y/N), I have a surprise for you." You blinked. "Can I see it?" Helen's slight smile stretched a bit wider. "Yes, just remember to cherish it, okay?" You nodded. "Okay!" The teen then held your hand and guided you to his workstation. He let go of your hand and took off his mask, his bangs creating shadows, hiding his eyes. "Are you ready for the surprise?" He said as he set his mask down on a cardboard box. You smiled widely and said yes. In a flash, the bedsheet was thrown off the painting Helen worked so hard on. You gasped; It was a very accurate and beautiful painting about you. From your silky (H/C) locks and shiny (E/C) eyes, Helen had captured your form perfectly. The background was a sunrise turning into a night sky. It was truly beautiful. "So..." Helen asked worriedly. "Do you like it?" You grinned. "Like it? I love it! It's amazing, Helen!" The boy seemed to sigh in relief. "So, anyways, w-will you go out with me?" You were a bit startled that he asked that question, but you said yes. And with that, you saw Helen really, truly smile. He tilted his head a bit and you could see his eyes. Beautiful, shining, blue eyes. You charged in and gave him a hug. Of course, Helen Otis was startled by this strange action, but nonetheless, he hugged back.

First Kiss~

From now on, Helen started not wearing his mask when he was alone with you. You would alway see those startling and distractingly pretty blue eyes. And of course, his lips were open to any lip contact. It had been a while since you two had started dating, and you've never given or received anything more than a cheek kiss. Today, Helen was determined to change that. After he finished his painting and left it to dry, he walked over to you. "(Y/N)," you looked at him and set your pencil down. "Can I have a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." You blushed. Bravely, you said, "Sure..." With that, the Bloody Painter smirked, leaned down (since you were sitting) and you shared a chaste kiss with the one and only Helen Otis.

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