He Asks You Out

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You and Jeff were sitting on a park bench talking about politics. "Trump cannot become president." You said sternly. "I know!" Jeff agreed. "That's why I'm gonna murder him before he gets the chance!" He said while smiling evilly. Afterwards you guys just sat there in a comfortable silence. Jeff broke that silence by saying, " Um, hey (Y/N)?" "Yeah?" You replied. "W-will you go out with me?" He said pulling a red rose from behind his back (where he stored it, you didn't know). You blushed, smiling. "Heh. Of course, dummy." You took the rose and hugged him. He blushed 50 shades of red (what a great book name!) and hugged back, smiling.


You were playing video games by yourself when suddenly your screen blacked out. "What the..." You mumbled. Bloody text popped up. It read: "Will you go out with me, (Y/N)?" There were also two answer choices. They both read "YES!!!" You blushed. "So what do ya say, (Y/N)?" A voice you recognized as BEN, said. "Yes or No?" You smiled. You picked the first yes button. "Of course, idiot. Why would I not?" You smiled. BEN popped out of the screen and hugged you lovingly.


You and Toby were sitting at the kitchen table (You lived by yourself.) and drawing. You were drawing a picture of Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls (Gods I love him!) and Toby was drawing Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls (Sorry I love the show.). Toby looked up from his drawing and asked, "H-hey *tic* (Y/N)?" You looked up. "Yeah?" You asked. "Ich liebe dich.*" He said, blushing. You knew a little German, so you blushed. "R-really?" You stuttered. He nodded."Y-yeah. *tic* So will you go out with me?" He said it so confidently and without ticks. You actually liked him too, so you said. "Ja! Na sicher*!" You hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed. "Danke*."

* Ich liebe dich: I love you.
* Ja:Yes
*Na sicher: Of course
*Danke: Thank you
Note- These are all German words.

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