1: The Necessary Prologue Type Thing.

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Dan's POV

Lonely. That's what I am.

I've always been this way. I've never had friends. Probably for a reason, but who knows?

I took a step outside and breathed in the warm air. It filled my lungs beautifully. I exhaled and began walking.

Sometimes going outside helps. It clears my mind. Allows me to think.

After an hour, I retreated back to my home. My parents were at work and my brother at a friend's, so it was just me all alone. Again.

I sat down and turned on my laptop. I decided to scroll through YouTube and watch TomSka or something to take my mind off my terrible life. To make me feel less alone.

I watched a few of his videos, but then I stumbled across something.

I was a video blog and so I decided to just watch that next.

It was called 'Phil's video blog, March 26th, 2006' or something along those lines.

I clicked play.

By this boy's accent, I could tell he was from England too.


I didn't realize that I had been watching about two - three hours of this boy's - AmazingPhil's videos. Damn. But it was worth it.

I watched all of them. Every single one. The last one came out not that long ago.

I clicked the subscribe button so I knew when he made another video.

I also decided to check and see if he was on Twitter. Turns out, he was. I followed him on there, too.

By this time, my mum was home, so I shut down my laptop and helped her make supper.


Hey, this is a new fic I wanted to make, so... yeah anyways hope you liked and sorry for the shortness :p

Long Distance Love (Phan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora