6: October 19th

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The next night, 11:28pm.

"You sure you want me to come tomorrow still?" I asked Phil. He nodded and moved a bit so he could be under his blankets.

"Yeah, I mean... Your eyes look dim through this pixelated screen, but I guess that's always been enough for me. I just... now... I wish that I could hold you in my arms. It gets harder every time I have to say goodbye and I just want a week at least to not have to, you know? I just..." Phil trailed off.

"I get what you mean," I told him softly, laying on my side and placing the computer on my bed in front of me. Phil mirrored my actions. "It's hard for me to say goodbye too."

"Well, when I have to, I really miss you," Phil said, smiling sadly. I nodded.

"I miss you, too, Phil," I smiled. He bit his lip and looked at the time.

"It's late. We should get to sleep. You wouldn't want to miss your train in the morning, would you?"

"Not for the world, Philly."

He giggled, biting his lip again. It's so cute when he does that.

"Goodnight, Phil," I whispered softly.

"Goodnight, Dan, I love you," he yawned, stretching out and sighing, content.

"I- I love you too."


Monday, October 19th, 8:22am

I took a deep breath and made sure I had everything I needed. My travel bag was all packed up so I opened it and checked one last time.

A week's worth of clothes, check. My wallet, check. Laptop, check. Phone, check. Random crap I packed, including deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, flat iron, and various other things, check.

Train ticket, check.

I had everything I needed. Now all I needed was to gain my confidence quickly and go downstairs to catch my train to Manchester by nine am.

I looked in the mirror and sighed. I grabbed my jacket and my bag and slung it over my opposite shoulder and then went downstairs.

I said bye to my family and left.

I took a cab to the train station, which was packed full. I took a deep breath and got onto my train. From where I live, Wokingham, to where Phil lives, Manchester, it's like, a three hour and twenty four minute train ride. Jesus Christ.

I sat down and decided to listen to Muse though headphones on my laptop.

I hope my laptop doesn't die on this ride.


About three hours later.

The train came to a stop at the station finally. I put my laptop back in my bag and stood up, grabbing all of my stuff and getting off the train.

So this is it. I'm in Manchester. I'm going to meet Phil Lester, AmazingPhil in person for the very first time and I'm...

I looked around for him. He said he'd be here.

I kept looking and I almost gave up when I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me from the side. I looked over.

Holy shit.

I turned to face Phil and he hugged me for real. His arms were around my neck.

Oh my god. Oh my fucking god.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer, resting my head in the crook of his neck. He smelled nice, like Lynx and a bit like strawberries, but it was a good mix for him.

"Hi," he whispered in my ear, never letting go. I smiled and we pulled apart.

"Hi," I said, biting my lip. He giggled and I- Asdfghjkl, I can't. He's so beautiful. I can't even.

"Come on, Dan!" He said, grabbing my hand and dragging me off. I chuckled and let him take me.

...Not like that.

He stopped ahead of me and took a quick picture and then we were off again.


Okay hey guys, so yeah tomorrow I'll have no phone which means no internet... rip me. But hey double update!

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