7: I Really Hope He Likes Me Too - Phil's POV

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Phil's POV

I decided to take Dan and show him around Manchester and take him to places. I couldn't let go of his arm the whole time though; I was the nervous-est person ever. I was sure I was being clingy, and I was practically clawing and biting at him, but he didn't seem to mind all that much.

I really liked him.

I decided the first place I'd take him would be Starbucks. I pushed open the door for him and he stepped inside the warm, famous coffee shop.

"What do you want to drink?" I asked Dan as we stood in line. He bit his lip and looked at the options.

"What you're having," he replied. I smiled and nodded. The line advanced and it was our turn to order.

"Two caramel macchiatos, please," I said, handing the barista enough money for them. She asked for our names and we answered and we stood aside, waiting.

"Dan, Phil!" The barista called out a few minutes later. As I went to grab both of our drinks, Dan was reaching for his. Our hands brushed against each other's and we both blushed. It was like, I felt sparks when our hands touched.

I smiled shyly and handed him his. He took it and smiled back, biting his lip in a very cute way.

We decided to sit on a sofa that was next to the window.

"Next time we come here," I began to tell him, catching his attention immediately, "we'll sit here. This will be our Starbucks sofa."

He blushed and nodded, smiling.

It was small talk after that as we both sipped our drinks. After, I decided to take him to The Manchester Eye, also known as The Big Wheel. And then after, I'd take him to dinner.

As we walked to where the big wheel was, I noticed how close we were, walking beside each other. My heart started to beat faster as my hand brushed against his. And then I took his hand in my own and he didn't object, he just blushed again and looked down at our hands and then his feet.

And then we were getting on the big wheel, and he sat next to me. He hadn't said much since I took his hand, and all I could think was, 'I really hope he likes me too'.

The wheel took it's time moving. But then once Dan and I were at the top, with the best view of the sun setting over Manchester, Dan turned to face me.

My heart was pounding out of my chest, beating hard and fast.

Slowly, so slowly, Dan leaned in closer to me. 'This can't be happening', I thought. But it was, and he was leaning closer, and I could feel his breath on my lips.

His eyes fluttered closed and so did mine. And slowly, he closed the gap between us and his lips were on mine.

Dan kissed me. And I kissed him back.

And then my heart did this flippy-over thing, and it's never really done that before.

The kiss was soft and sweet, gentle and slow.

We pulled away after a few moments and I just couldn't take my eyes off of him.

As the big wheel was coming down, I rested my head on his shoulder and held his hand.

Once it was time to get off, we did, never letting our hands break apart.

After that, we took a walk to the Hilton Skybar. It was a nice little restaurant.

We ate and then decided to just head back to my house. I had told my parents Dan was coming over for the week and they said it was fine, so that is where we went next.

We said a quick 'hello' and some introductions and then I took Dan into my room.

"I like your room," Dan uttered, looking around my somewhat clean room. I turned to him and kissed him on the lips, harder than before. He kissed back, grabbing my arms and pulling me closer to him. He backed up until he was against the wall as we began french kissing.

I smiled at him when we broke apart to breathe. He smiled back, and we sat down on the bed and decided to just relax. Dan was tired after that train ride, after all.

We cuddled up together on my bed under the covers and Dan was out like a light.

I fell asleep after a few minutes, snuggled up to Dan.


Hey guys! SO Here's a decent length but still short chapter lol bUT THERE'S A PHAN KISS LIKE WUT YEAH PHAN IS HAPPENING RN GUYS. anyways, vote and comment if you'd like, and I'll see you all soon! Byeeee

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