2: Do You Want To Skype?

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I couldn't sleep. I just kept thinking about how stupid I am, how stupid my life is.

It was only 9:00, but still. I was tired and now I'm just restless.

I got out my laptop and turned it on.

I checked my tumblr first. Then Twitter. I had a notification.

The tweet was from AmazingPhil. It read, 'Listening to all of Origin of Symmetry while my parents are out. I'm already onto Plug In Baby. I love Muse.'

I smiled. I love that album as well. I clicked the reply button and typed, 'I love Muse as well. Origin of Symmetry is like, probably my favorite album.'

I waited. After a few seconds, I got a reply. Okay.

'Oh, mine too! It's lovely. :)'

I smiled again and just replied with a simple 'yeah, it is :)'.

I turned off my laptop and laid down.

It was easier to get to sleep now.


I woke up to my stupid alarm going off. I sighed and went downstairs.

Adrian was at the table eating cereal. I said good morning and grabbed a glass of water.

I went back upstairs and got out my laptop. I opened Twitter... Another tweet from Phil.

'@ danisnotonfire that album is like, the best thing, I swear. Sorry my phone died lol.'

I replied with, 'it's okay. And i agree'

'Anyway, I'm about to play pokemon soon so...'

'You're kidding? I love pokemon!'

'No way'

'Yeah! This is so cool'

'Yeah lol anyway I'm gonna go play it now'

'K catch ya later'


I smiled to myself. Maybe we have more in common.


Two days later.

I had talked to Phil again. Turns out we have a lot in common!

It's like... he's my first friend. He's my first friend.

'Okay, well like, Buffy The Vampire Slayer is the best show ever. I make Lion sit with me when I watch it.'

'Oh, you and your lion. You guys are perfect for each other lol'

'Of course we are! Lol'

':) it's so true though'

'Hey Dan, do you want to Skype?'

I froze.

He wants to Skype. With me. Oh my god, I'm Fangirling. AmazingPhil wants to Skype with me, oh my god. Oh my god!

What do I do?! I say yes, right?


'Yeah! Okay!'

We exchanged usernames and I opened up Skype on my laptop.

I'm going to Skype with Phil. Oh my god.

This should be fun!


Hey Idk what this is I just needed to update something. Hope u enjoyed this and I'll see u next time.

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