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Days later.

I'm going to do it. Like Phil said. I'm going to try to be confident. I can do this.

You can do this, Dan.

I stood in my room, putting my laptop on my bed. I took a stack of books and DVDS and stacked them up on a chair. I placed my laptop on top of the large stack; I hoped it wouldn't fall.

Then I closed the laptop ever so slightly to achieve that perfect MySpace angle.

I pressed record on my laptop and then slowly moved my head in front of the camera.

I made a gun with my fingers. "Hi," I began, in front of the camera now. "So my name is *[Dan]*." I made a bar with my fingers as I said my name.

I did it again.

"Nice to meet you," I said to the camera, holding out my hand.

"So this is my first proper video, I guess."

"Whoo!" I popped open this thing with tissue paper inside.

"I mean, I kind of always wanted to be somebody that posts videos, but I guess I've never really had the confidence or the motivation."

"...Says the person with tissue paper all over his face," I continued, pulling the paper away from my hair and face a bit.

"But that was until some really good friends I've made recently persuaded me to give it a shot.

"And so I am."

"I sound nothing like this in real life, by the way," I stated. "This laptop's microphone makes me sound like some paedophile/tramp/polar bear."

I held up a stuffed polar bear. "Please don't take it personally," I said, before making it attack me. I let out an 'ahh!'.

"My videos will probably be a variety of things, from like, little skits to vloggy videos or creative things. I'm gonna try to make them interesting and not all the same.

"Yeah, I'm gonna try my best not to just be one of those people who sits there like:

" 'Hi, so today kinda sucked... I went to college, and it was rainin'... yeah... It's kinda awkward. Dunno what to say. Yeah... I'm probably gonna go now.' "

"But yeah, I am gonna try my best to at least attempt to be entertaining," I said. I did this weird little dance with sunglasses on and a colorful slinky in my mouth and stuff.

"So yeah, if you could please click the yellow box of infinite happiness, 'cause I'm gonna start making videos quite soon. I've got loads of ideas, and I'll try to post videos regularly."

... "What have I done to my face? Bleh." I asked as I wiped off the makeup from earlier.

"Side note, look what I woke up with," I showed the camera the scratch on my arm. "I just- I just woke up and that was on my arm. What the fuck is that? It's like some bloody person's come up with a square brand and just impaled me in my sleep. Probably."

"So yeah, if you'd like to subscribe, then I will love you forever, and I will see you soon."

Then there's the dance again.

... "What the fuck am I doing?" I asked. And I ended the video.

I began to edit it like Phil taught me and then I was going to publish it.

October 16th.

I was done editing now. I opened YouTube and went to upload it. I typed up the description:

'my first actual vid idea is coming later this weekend,
so SUBSCRIBE!! plz
haha D:

i've been peer pressured into finally making an introduction video, so here i am :]

so please sub because there's looooads to come :D

hope you're all doing superawesome =]'

And then I clicked 'upload'.

And it was done.

I decided to Skype Phil and tell him, but I figured he probably was already watching it because he already subscribed to me.

So I waited.

And there it was a few minutes later. Two minutes and twenty two seconds, to be exact.

Incoming call from AmazingPhil.

I answered.


Hey guys this was exhausting to write but these are the words he said in hello internet so I hope u enjoyed love u

Ps the video has Russian subtitles bc for some reason I can't add the original video :/ sorry if this bothers u

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