Chapter 1

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Harry walked down the hallway, hugging his books close to his chest, keeping his head down, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. All he wants to do is to get through the first day of school without getting into any trouble. He looked up at the black tags stuck on each of the navy blue lockers. "23...24...25" finally, he reached his locker, number 26.

He unlocked it, ten more minutes till classes start. He quickly arranged his books on the partitions and then grabbed a notebook along with his biology textbook. He shut the locker and walked down the hallway, looking for his assigned classroom. Suddenly, he felt a hard thump on his shoulder and before he knew it, his body slumped down towards the lockers. Soon enough, the sound of laughter filled the room. He blinked his eyes, trying to regain his sight. He looked down, only to the sight of a pair of red converse. He lifted his head up and saw a boy wearing a red varsity jacket surrounded by a few others that dressed like him.

He looked around, each and everyone of them laughing at him. Harry picked up his books and stood up, regaining his balance. The boy then smacked the books down, causing them to fall onto the floor once again. "So you're the new kid huh?" the tall boy said. "And I guess you're the school bully?" Harry replied. He knew better than to say anything but before he could stop himself, the words slipped out of his mouth.

"What did you say to me?" the boy shouted back. The boy clenched his fists and pulled his arm back ready to punch Harry. Harry closed his eyes and placed his arms in front of him, as an attempt to shield himself from the hit. Suddenly, there was a 'clap', but he didn't feel anything. Harry slowly opened his eyes and saw that another boy had grabbed his fist, saving Harry from the punch. Subtle gasps spread through the crowd. "Stop it Zack. He didn't do anything. Leave him alone." the boy said. He was dressed in the same varsity jacket. His brunette hair was gelled up and he was wearing a pair of black vans. He was smaller than Harry in terms of height and his eyes were blue, the colour of the ocean. Zack pulled his hand back in frustration and stormed away while the others followed him from behind.

The boy bent down and helped Harry pick up his books that were scattered on the floor. He handed the books over to Harry. "I'm Louis by the way." he said, holding his hands out with a smile on his face. "Harry" he replied shaking Louis hands, keeping his head down only looking at the floor. "Hey about just now, just ignore them. Zack is just an idiot. All he ever does is try to make the other students feel worthless. Just try not to interact with him or get in his way. He's just stupid that's all." Louis said. Harry nodded, his head still facing the ground.

"Okay, well, I have to go now. You better get going to class too, or you'll be late." Louis said before turning the other way. For a moment, Harry just stared at Louis, closely watching his figure walk down the hallway. He still doesn't know why Louis did what he did. Why did he save him? He doesn't even know him.

** Hi! I'm kind of new to writing fanfics :) Please comment what you think about it so far? Tysm! Ily <3 **

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