Chapter 6

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When they finally pulled apart, they couldn't stop themselves from smiling. There was a long pause before Louis said "Oh shit! It's almost four. I should probably send you back to school before your parents arrive so they don't suspect anything." Harry then replied "Oh my god. That was so fast. okay." When they pulled over to the parking lot in school, Harry got out of the car. Louis peered his eyes through the numerous cars driving past and said "Um, where are your parents?" "Hmm? Oh um, my parents don't pick me up from school, I just walk back." He replied. Louis looked at Harry and questioned "Really? Why didn't you tell me then? I've never noticed. Okay then, get in. I'll drive you back home." Harry replied "Oh no, it's okay Louis, I can just walk. Its only like a 5 minute walk from here." "But I want to, so get back in the car Harry. I'm not even loosing anything by sending you home. In fact, the only thing I get is more time to spend with you." Louis answered with a smirk. Harry could feel himself blushing again. He got into the car and they drove off.

"Okay turn right here. This is it." Harry said, directing Louis to his house. "Okay, um I guess I'll see you tomorrow Harry." Harry nodded and as he was about to make his way out of the car. Louis suddenly grabbed Harry's hands. "I love you" he said with a subtle smile planted on his face. Harry then replied "I love you too Louis." before walking out onto the porch. Harry waved Louis goodbye before he drove off. Harry couldn't wipe the smile off his face. It was unbelievable. He walked straight up to his room, feeling exhausted. He laid down on his bed just thinking about all the amazing things that had happened today. Without even realising, he had fallen asleep.

*Beep beep beep* his alarm was blaring. "Oh shit! I'm gonna be late." Harry screeched. He quickly got out of bed and got dressed. He ran down the stairs and quickly walked to school. He burst through the classroom door. He looked up at the clock hanging on the wall "7.59". He made it just in time. The teacher then arrived at the door and Harry hurriedly made his way to his seat. "Some of you have been performing really well in this Math class while some of you just don't seem to get it. I've tried to set up some arrangements to hold up extra classes after school so please check with me before you leave this class to confirm if you're on the list of students who are required to stay back." the teacher said. He cleared his throat before continuing, "I've also thought of something that might be able to help you. I'm going to start pairing people, one will be the tutor and the other will be the student. Now, I'm taking this very seriously. The tutor is now responsible for their student's increase or decrease in grades. So please take this seriously. I'll be pairing you up with the other classes as well as the some of the tutors will also be selected from the other two classes. Here's the list of students and their tutors. I have put them up on the board near the cafeteria and please take a look at it after class. If you have any problems or disagreements with this new scheme, please come and talk to me after class."

The class was dismissed, and just like the others, everyone rushed through the hallway towards the piece of paper pasted on the notice board. Harry waited for the crowd to subside before taking a closer look. Screeches and giggles were heard from the group of girls. "I'm guessing they got to tutor their friends." Harry thought to himself. Harry's eyes scanned through the sheet of paper. "Hmmmm hha...har....harrryyyyy...Oh here it is" he said to himself. He moved his finger to the left to find out who he was tutoring. He took a closer look and the piece of paper read:

Tutor ~ Student




29. Amy Parker ~ Candice Law

30. Harry Styles ~ Zack Nathan

31. Zachary Chance ~ Jake Dolan




Harry gasped."Oh my god!No No!" he screamed over his hands covering his mouth. He could feel the sense of fear run through his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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