Chapter 3

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Two weeks have passed and Louis still seems downhearted. Harry knew that something was not right. This is not the usual Louis that everyone knows and loves. Louis would sometimes be absent from school and on the days he did come, he would sit alone and not with his usual group of friends. 

Harry had just finished his Geography class and he was held back as Mr. Grant wanted to finish up his work that he was struggling with. By the time he was dismissed, the hallway was empty, everyone had gone home. He walked past the boys locker room and he saw someone seated on the bench inside.

He looked through the door and realised that it was Louis. His heart was beating fast, he was contemplating wether to go in and talk to him or just leave him alone. After a minute of arguing with himself, he decided to go in. The door creaked open and he saw Louis seated with his palms pressed on his face. Harry walked over to him and said "Hey, are you okay?" Louis was startled by Harry's presence, he didn't look up. He replied "Yeah, I'm fine. You can leave now. I'm okay." Harry then said "Louis, I know there's something bothering you. I've realised that. I know we're not very close, I mean the last time I talked to you was during my first day of school. All I want to tell you is that if you need anyone to talk to, you can always talk to me. I mean who am I going to tell anyways? I don't have many friends here. And if for some reason you feel uncomfortable sharing your story with me, you could always talk to someone else. I just feel like you need to open up, I know you're not okay so don't try to pretend that you are and just keep it to yourself. It can hurt. " Louis didn't respond.

Harry realised that Louis was breathing faster than usual, he was crying. Harry then placed his hand on Louis' back as an attempt to comfort him and said "Louis?" There was a long pause. Soon, you could hear Louis sniffling. He was trying to hide the fact that he was crying but clearly it wasn't working. Harry sat down beside him and placed his hands on Louis' shoulders. "Hey look, tell me, what's going on. " Harry said. Louis looked up, his eyes were swollen from crying and his cheeks were wet with tears. Louis didn't look like a type of person who would cry about the littlest things. It was also made obvious as Louis looked extremely uncomfortable, like he didn't know how to react, like this feeling was somehow foreign to him. "If you want to be alone, I completely understand. I'll be leaving now but I just hope that you'll talk to someone about this." Harry was at the urge of standing up when Louis suddenly grabbed Harry's arm, causing him to sit down again. 

Louis wiped away the tears from his cheeks, clearing his throat and tried to speak. "My.... my mom is in the hospital. She got into an accident and had a concussion, she's in a coma and she has been for three weeks now. I... I don't even know if she's going to be alright. My parents are divorced and she's all I have. I don't want to loose her. I really don't... I just...." tears started to run down his face again. For a moment, Harry just sat there, staring at Louis. Never would he had thought that he would see Louis like this, so vulnerable, so delicate. Not like the usual bold, cheerful football player character he carries around in school everyday. Harry took in a deep breath and replied "I'm so sorry to hear that but Louis, look at me" he gripped Louis' hands harder and continued "she's going to be alright. Trust me. I know it. Everything will be okay. You're not going to loose her. You have to be strong for her." Louis didn't reply, his head still faced down. "She's going to be okay." Harry said softly.

Louis slowly looked up at Harry. For a moment, they just sat there, staring into each other's eyes. Louis' beautiful blue eyes glistened in his tears. "I'm here for you. She'll be okay." Harry added. Suddenly, Louis leaned in and pressed his lips onto Harry's. Harry was shocked by the kiss but this is what he had dreamed about for so long. He closed his eyes and kissed him back. Louis traced his fingers on Harry's cheeks. They pulled away and Harry's felt his cheeks turn hot. He couldn't believe it. Did that really just happen? "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... umm" Louis said. Harry tried to speak but he couldn't seem to utter the words. Louis picked up his bag and quickly walked out of the room, keeping his head low. Harry was left alone in the room, still in shock. 

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