Chapter 2

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Harry was snapped out of his gaze when suddenly, the school bell rang. "Oh my god! I'm late!" Harry said and he started running towards the labs. He burst through the classroom door and just as he expected, the teacher was already there. "I'm so sorry I'm late." Harry paused before continuing "I...I didn't know where the class was. I'm sorry." The teacher looked at him and said "Oh, you're the new student right? It's okay, I'll let you go this time, but please try to make it on time next time." Harry nodded and quickly walked over to his seat.

Throughout the whole class, he was unable to concentrate. Louis kept appearing in his thoughts. Harry couldn't stop thinking about how Louis had saved him earlier. Harry couldn't stop picturing how perfect Louis looked with his blue eyes. However, Harry knew that he wouldn't have a chance with Louis. "He's probably straight and he would probably be into girls. I mean with his perfect looks and all, he should already have a girlfriend." Harry thought to himself. Anyways, Harry wasn't planning on letting anyone know that he was gay, especially since that's the reason why he had to leave his previous school. The bullying and teasing that comes along with being openly gay in school is unbearable.

A week had passed by and not even one day has passed without Harry thinking about Louis. Harry is a new kid and Louis is part of the football team, which means that he is very popular in school, making it hard for Harry to even make friends with him. Ever since the first day, Harry hasn't even said a word to Louis. The most they have interacted between the days were just exchange of smiles when they walk past each other in the hallways on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between one of their classes. And that was more than enough to brighten Harry's day.

Today was Tuesday, as usual, Harry would get so excited to just see Louis between his History and English class. Even though he knows they're not going to have an actual conversation, just seeing Louis walk past is mesmerising and enough to make his day better. History class ended, Harry walked down the hallway and walked over to his locker. Soon, Louis' classmates walk out of the classroom but Louis was nowhere to be seen. Harry was curious. "Maybe he didn't come today. Maybe he's just not feeling well" he thought to himself as he made his way to his next class.

The next two days passed and Harry didn't see Louis in school at all. Harry was starting to get worried. "It's not like Louis to not turn up to school as all I've heard is that he is the kind of boy who almost has a perfect attendance except for maybe a few days and to be absent for three days straight? He must be really sick or maybe he's not in town." he thought to himself again, trying to assure himself that Louis is alright. It was finally Friday, the weekends are finally here. After arriving to school, Harry rushes to his locker and he sees Louis on the other end of the hallway. Louis looked different, he wasn't his usual cheerful mood. He seemed sad, as though something is bothering him.

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