Chapter 4

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The next few days, Louis did not turn up to all the classes in school. "Where is he? Is it because of his mom or the kiss?" Harry thought to himself as he leaned against the lockers drifting off into his thoughts. The school bell rang, and it snapped him out of his gaze. He quickly picked up his books and went straight to class. Finally it was time for lunch. Harry walked down the hallway and everyone was already in the cafeteria, the hallway was rather empty as he was already late. He had decided to stay back in class earlier just to ask the teacher a few questions to clear his doubts. Suddenly, he realised that there was someone standing at his locker. He didn't need to walk closer to be able to tell that it was Louis. The Adidas sweater made it really obvious. Harry's heart was racing, he had missed Louis so much and he was curious to know what that kiss meant. "Was it just a one time thing? Was it a mistake? " All these questions ran through his mind, every time he got closer with a step.

Louis realised that Harry was coming towards him and he turned his head towards Harry. "H...Hi Louis." Harry said. Harry didn't want to make everything awkward so he decided to contain his curiosity and just keep pretend like the kiss never happened. "Is everything okay?" Harry continued. Louis nodded and he asked "Do you have any classes after this?" "Ummm.. I have English then I'm done for today." Harry replied. "Is it okay if you skip it? Just this once?" Louis asked. Harry paused and finally agreed. Harry was able to see straight through the fake smile Louis was trying to pull on his face. "Okay, follow me." Louis said. Louis walked through the back door which lead straight to the carpark. Harry followed Louis from behind. Louis stopped in front of a black chrome Mustang. "Quick, get in before anyone sees us." Louis said. Harry quickly got into the car and Louis drove off.

"Wow.. so this is your car?" Harry asked. Louis nodded in reply. "Where are we going?" Harry asked. "I just wanted to go for a drink. I just really need someone to talk to." Louis replied. "Oh okay." Harry replied. Harry looked out the window, watching all the trees and cars as they drive past. The car turned right and came to a stop. Harry looked up and there it was, 'Starbucks' was written on the bold green sign. They entered the shop and they walked over to the counter. "One iced mocha for me and umm.. what do you want Harry?" Louis asked. "Umm... I'll get a caramel macchiato." Louis paid for the bill and when they got their drinks, Louis said "Hey, do you mind if we drink these in the car? I kinda need to talk about something personal and I really don't need anyone to know about it." "Umm sure." Harry replied.

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