Le chaos régnant, tandis que l' un espoir brille par {part 2}

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Well here it is minnasan! Part two of the FrancexReader fanfic! Gomenasai minna for not updating as much! But, I'm doing what I wanted to do on here! And it's making stories and everybody happy! Anyways! Enjoy this part 2! ^^
A/n: Okay! Rewind time! ^^
And I'm in love with France!...
France: Mon cherie, Love's me?? 0//0
Alright now on to the story!
Prussia's P.O.V
MEIN gott! France is here! Kesesesese, I can't wait for zhis! ^^ *coughs* Uhm, {your name}?
Yea? ^^ *smilez*
Prussia: Turn avround.
What is this, some type of- 0-0 *shocked n stays still* F-france...
Spain: Hola [your name] What's wrong-*Prussia showing signs like a heart*Oh... Alright! Uhm, me and Prussia will be going to go eat! Bye! vemos más tarde! Auf wiedersein [your name]! *smilez n waves*
France: uhhhh, alright! Au revoir! *laughs awkwardly*
*walks slowly towards bag, packs everything n runs away*
Mon cherie! Attendez! Please! 0.0
How can you be so STUPID!? He doesn't like you! Not to say that he doesn't love you like that! Ugh! Baka Baka Baka baka! >°< Why did I do that?! *keeps running till you got to c building drops stuff and cries* WHY DID I DO THAT WHY?! :'(
France's P.O.V
Agh! Where can mi amour be? Sacre bleu, please give me a sign that she's around. So that I can talk to her... :'( *bell rings* Well, I'll see her at recess! ^^ *smilez n goes to class*
Your P.O.V
*bell rings* *gasps* I GOT TO GET TO CLASS! 0.0 *grabs bags and runs to math class* *runs through the door* huff, puff. YES! I MADE IT! *smilez in joy* *everyone looking at me* uhhhh, *looks down smilez n giggles* sorry! ^^ *everyone smilez n laughs along* *sighs* I love this class... ^^ *sits down next to your friend* Hey (insert friends name here)! Hey [your name]! How's yalls day going? It's doing alright [your name]! I might have a chance with my crush! You always say that! XD Hey! A girl can dream right? *laughs n smilez* Yeah, true! ^^ *smilez n wiggles eyebrows* WHAT about you and France? ○~○
*stays frozen and looks down* Uhm... *tears up* I made a fool of myself... Huh? HEY! WHAT'S WITH THE TEARS? 0.0 YOU ALRIGHT?! *hugs n pats back while rubbing back* I told Prussia that I love france a-and h-he w-was right b-be hind m-meh! :'( Aww, it's alright! Just go and talk to him! I'm sure he'll want to talk to you! ^^ *shakes head* Nuuuuuu! >~< I don't want to make a COMPLETE fool of myself! Just go! I'm sure he'll understand! ^^ *sighs n smilez* I hate you. ^^ Good luck! ^^
Okay [your name]. Yalls got this. Just act cool, no! Just be yourself and talk to him. Yeah, yeah that'll work. ^^ *walks off to meet up with Bad trio* Hey Spain! Hey Prussia! ^^ *smilez n puts things down* Prussia:Guten tag frau! *smilez n plays with phone*
Spain: Hola [your name]! *smilez n waves while watching Prussia play*
*looks around* hmm? Where's france?
Prussia: kesesese, he was here a while ago.
Spain: *looks around sees him sweat drops down* uhhhh, Prussia, [your name]...
*looks at him* What? ^-^" *points direction to France* 0-0

Prussia: *whispers* mein gott! France! >.>
*shocked and pissed off at the girl* {insert bitch's name here} How dare she! He doesn't even WANT to kiss her! >:(
PrussianSpain: *shocked* 0.0
Why yalls shocked for?
Prussia: Your not mad at france?! 0.0
Why would I? It's not his fault. I know he's flirtatious. But, he never once loved any girl that passes by. I can see it in his body expression and facial expression. Yalls never knew that? .?.
PrussianSpain; *shakes head but is glad* Nein, En realidad, no. ^-^" :)
*rolls eyes playfully and smilez* Alrighty then. *bell rings* Oh! I got to go to class! I'll see yalls at lunch! ^^ Bai bai! *smilez n waves grabs stuff and walks to class*
Prussia: Bye fraulein!
Spain: See ya senora! ^^
France's P.O.V
*bell rings girl stops kissing* See ya later hun~ ♡ Mwahh! *blows kiss walks sassily away pushes kid while at it* Hey nerd! Stay out of my way! *kid falls down* S-sorry... *picks things hurrily* *shakes head and wipes mouth* Disgusting little ugh! >.>
*sees me going by kid hears her voice*
Hey, yalls need help? ^^
*smilez picks everything up*
Kid: A-ah, please n-no! I don't want you to be l-late! 0.0
Nah, its alright! Sides I'm never late! In fact! Ima help you get to your class! ^^
Kid: Ah, thank you so much! *smiles shyly and stands up*
Yalls welcome! Now where-
*watches her helping the kid chuckles n walks off to your guys class* Mi amour is the only one for me. And I'm going to tell her when I have the chance. Maybe in class! No, that'll be too outgoing. Hmm, maybe at lunch! ^^ *smilez while sitting down in class*
Your P.O.V
*guiding the kid to his class*
Kid: Thanks alot! You saved me! ^^ *smilez n hugs you* Ah! It's quite alright! Uhm, may I get your name? ^^ oh! It's Голубое небо! 0.0 Woah! Yalls are russian!? Y-yeah! Oh.Mah.God! That is SO cool! I'm Russian too! Your name means blue sky! *smilez n nods head* Yeah! That's EXACTLY WHAT it means! ^^ *laughs n smilez* Omg! Well, nice to meet yalls! I'm  [your name]! ^^ Oh, nice to meet you too! *looks at phone* SHET! BELLS GOING TO RING SOON! IT'S NICE MEETING YOU! OH AND I ALWAYS HANG OUT BY KLM FIRST FLOOR! ^^ BAI BAI! *smilez n waves while running to class with bag* Alright bai bai! *smilez n sits down*
OMG! I'M ALMOST THERE! *runs to class gets in while teachers gone panting n smiling like crazy* YASS! I made it! *everyone smilez n waves hello* Hey Carl! Hey, Victoria! Sup, Cody! ^^ *says hi to everyone* *sits down while putting everything down and gets out stuff* Hey did yalls hear bout the Mass Evacuation today? Cody: Wait, there's a mass evac today? 0-0
Yeup! ^^ *everyone groans*
Carl: *sighs* Can't we have a normal friday!? -.-
Nope, I'm guessing since we SO much projects I doubt it!
Victoria: ugh, we already have enough today!
Everyone: IKR?!
Hey! Sorry! I have to end this short! I'm really tired and I think that this one sucks ass SO much! But please, comment like, and have a nice day everyone! Or night! Or whatever or where ever yalls are at! ^^ *smilez n bows* Bai bai!

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