Harder Than It Should Be

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"Good, you're here." She stomped up to the all to familiar boy sitting on the park bench where he had first found her. He looked surprised to see her.

"Hey, uh I thought you wanted to stay away from me?" Rocky replied. She crossed her arms

"Well trust me, this is the last time!" She reached into her pocket, and grabbed out the 100 dollar bill he tipped her with the night before. She took the bill and sternly held out her arm to him. "You can take this back."

"No, it was your tip. I always tip good for great service." He lightly pushed her hand away. She rolled her eyes.

"Like I said I don't need you hitting on me!"

"I wasn't just hitting on you, I was trying to be a nice guy you looked like you needed someone" He explained.

"Look I don't need your charity okay. I'm doing just fine on my own."

"Yea says the girl sleeping on the park bench." He muttered.

"You know what, you don't even know me. you have no right to judge me." She defended. Rocky stood up.

"I wasn't trying to judge you, I was trying to help you. I know what its like. "

"How could you possibly know what I'm going through? You're famous, you're in a rock band. You have a great life."

"Yea, well I didn't used to. When I first moved to California with my family we weren't famous. We didn't have anything, all we had a small one room apartment for the six of us. My dad even had to stay back in Colorado. It was pretty rough." He explained. She could tell by the way he said his words he was being genuine.

"Well at least you had your family." she responded.

"Don't you have any family?" He asked. She looked up, and help up the bill again.

"Will you just take the stupid money so I can leave." She demanded. Rocky shook his head, and gave almost sort of a smirk. Then he just turned toward the paved path, and started walking. He just started walking. She quickly followed after him.

"I'm not accepting this." She spoke as they kept walking. They weren't walking at a fast pace, they were just strolling down the path.

"Your name?" He looked up at her, and muttered.


"Just tell me your name, and I'll take the money back." He smirked again. She didn't want to take the money, but even more she didn't want to tell him her name. She didn't want have any ties to him, not to anybody. Not that she wouldn't have minded. She could've really used the money, and he was really, really attractive. She just couldn't get attached, it was to risky. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine. It's Laura. My name is Laura. Are you satisfied?" Rocky smiled.

"Laura. I like it, it fits you." He replied.

"Thanks now will you take the money back?"

"We'll compromise. I'll take the money, but I'm buying you lunch." Rocky said. After she groaned, Rocky chuckled a little.

"You know, you're making this a lot harder than it should be." She grumbled. Rocky smiled.


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