The Best Thing

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"This place has the best tacos on the beach." Rocky said setting down two red plastic baskets of food both filled with tacos on the table.

"Thanks." She softly mumbled. Rocky sat down, and immediately picked up one of the tacos to take a bite. "You didn't have to you know, I do have money I could've paid for myself." She tried to explain.

"Yea, but the guy always pays on a date."

"Oh this is a date? Plus isn't that a little old fashioned?"

"Fine if it bothers you that much, you can pay the next time." Laura just rolled her eyes.

"What makes you think there will be a next time?"

"I think there's going to be lots of next times." He also had this certain smirk on his face. It wasn't cocky, just playful. She couldn't frown when he was smirking at her, it was like he was using his superpowers to make her happy. Without reply bit into her taco. Rocky spoke up with another witty comment that made her laugh. This was the first time she smiled since she got to LA. This was the first time she really smiled in a long time.

"You have a beautiful smile." Rocky informed her. Her cheek's blushed bright red. She watched as he took another bite of his taco only to have most of the contents fall out. She laughed.

"You're kind of a dork." Laura chuckled.

"Well you know what you don't know me, so you cant judge me." Rocky mocked. Laura Scoffed.

"Are you mocking me?"

"No I'd never make fun of you. I like you too much." Rocky displayed his same coy grin. Laura smiled.

"You know for some reason, I kind of like you too." She meant it. For the first time, not since she'd got there but for the first time in a long time she felt happy. She didn't know the last time she felt genuinely happy. She sat there looking at the horizon, the water was beautiful.

"I love the beach there's not many in uh... w-where I'm from." she fumbled.

"And where would that be?" He asked. She looked down at the table, and shook her head. Rocky cracked half a smile.

"Well its unfortunate that wherever you're from they didn't have many beaches, because they are amazing. Have you ever been in the ocean?"

"Actually no, I used to have this pathological fear of swimming in anything but a pool."

"Well you know the best way to cure a fear is to face it. Lets go." Rocky stood up from the black picnic table.

"Wait what?"

"Come on, once you set foot in the ocean you'll realize how amazing it is."

Rocky grabbed her hand, lifted her from the table, and trotted off towards the ocean. She knew she was going to regret this, but something about him drew her in. His light spirit brought her to forget about her painful past. That was the best thing.

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