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Rocky grabbed Laura's hand and pulled her towards the beach.

"Come on Rocky, we're just going to go swimming in our clothes?" She inquired. Rocky shrugged.

"Sure why not." after speaking he pulled his red t-shirt over his head, and set it on the ground revealing his muscled abs. She couldn't help but stare intently at him. This boy seemed to get more, and more appealing. She slipped off her shoes so she could feel the warm sand in between her toes.

"You go ahead I'll watch." She motioned for him to go into the water.

"Or maybe I could just take you with me." Rocky wrapped his arms around her waist, and picked her up bridal style. He then ran into the ocean until the water was to above his knees. "You ready?" he asked with a sly grin.

"ROCKY NO!" She screamed before she hit the water. She made her way to her feet, and stood up. She spit out water, and wiped her hair from her face. "Jerk." she said spitting out the remaining water in her mouth. Rocky stood there, and laughed. Laura couldn't help but crack a small grin.

"Admit it, you enjoyed that." Rocky spoke.

"Well to be completely honest, this was probably the most fun thing I've done in months." She admitted. Without even realizing it, she noticed now she was standing on an inch away from Rocky. Their bodies were dangerously close. Only separated by the thin water. Rocky inched his body closer to hers, he leaned his head forward so that the top of his was against hers. She hadn't experienced this feeling in a long time, even when she was in her last relationship she never felt like she did when she was with Rocky. Her heart pulsed, her brain was rushing, and the only thing she felt was her feelings for Rocky.

"To be completely honest." Rocky whispered. "I think I want to kiss you." with that Rocky leaned in, and pressed his lips to hers. They entangled their fingers together in the water while the kiss drew on. Everything about the kiss was light, and magical. She had never been kissed like that before in her life. She could feel her heart beating faster. They both pulled away slowly. She could see the smile on his lips. She was smiling too. With their fingers still intertwined in one hand, they made their way back to the shore. Rocky sat down on the sand.

"My shirts all wet." Laura muttered whipping her shirt off, leaving her in a blue sports bra.

"Well maybe you should've taken it off sooner." Rocky smirked. "That turned out more dirty than I intended it to be." Laura laughed at his comments. She laid down on the sand next to Rocky, except on her stomach. The warm heated sand felt amazing against her stomach. Rocky looked at Laura, and saw her discolored back.


"Yea." she replied.

"Your back! Are you okay?"

"OH MY GOSH!" Laura quickly leapt to her feet, and put her wet shirt back on. She had completely forgot about her black, and blue bruised back. She had bruises all over it, leaving hardly any space where there wasn't one. Her eyes grew watery, her whole past rushed back to her. Everything that had happened, and her promise not to let anybody in. "This was a mistake." She mumbled. She had to get her head out of the clouds. She was losing her head so fast, and didn't realize what had happened. Rocky quickly rose to his feet.

"Laura what's going on?" Rocky urged. Laura slipped on her shoes, and shook her head a tear falling down her face. "LAURA PLEASE TALK TO ME!" Rocky begged.

"Try to forgot about me okay?" She muttered, and ran off the beach as fast as she could.

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