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Laura laid next to Rocky, her arm across his bare chest, and her head resting on his warm shoulder. Her hair was flowing messily around the pillow of his bed. He had his arm around her shoulder holding her in securely to him. Their legs were tangled together. All she was wearing was the blue flannel Rocky had been wearing the night before. It was much bigger, and comfortable on her.

"Wow that was some delivery." Rocky smirked in his raspy morning voice. Laura looked up, and saw a crack of sunlight shine through his curtains. She bit the corner of her lip, and smiled.

"I try." she giggled. "Most of my deliveries don't usually last all night, I wonder if Mel is wondering where I'm at."

"Nah, she knew where she was sending you." Rocky mentioned.

"Yea remind me to thank her for that." She'd never felt more comfortable than laying there in that bed with Rocky. He reached forward, and kissed her on the top of the head. The night she had experienced with him was unlike any other.

"I've never loved anybody as much as I love you." Rocky spoke. As dangerous as it was, she was completely in love with him too.

"Do you believe in fate?" She asked.

"Well I found you, so it must be real." Just in the way he talked to her gave her an extra piece of comfort.

"If anyone would've told me I would be this happy a month ago, I would've thought they were crazy. I never thought I'd find love again." She spoke weakly. Rocky pursed his lips.

"I know you have something painful in your past. I don't know why you were sleeping on that park bench alone, or what's going on, and you don't have to tell me. I just want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what." Rocky said. Laura smiled lightly. She didn't want to think about the home which she was running away from or even more who she was running away from. She liked the fact that with him for once there might be the possibility of feeling safe. Safe in the closure of Rocky's arms.

She rolled over to lay on top of him. Her forehead rested on top of his, and their hands came together, their fingers intertwining. "I wish we could stay here forever." She whispered.

"I like that plan." Rocky agreed.

"As much as I'd like that I really should get back to work. Mel will kill me if we get a rush, and I'm not there." she laughed. Rocky nodded. "But that doesn't mean you cant come with." She added. She rolled over, and stood up off the bed. She picked up her shorts from the floor and slid them on. She tucked Rocky's flannel into her shorts and then put her stray hair up into a ponytail. Rocky stood up, and quickly threw on some clothes. He opened up his door, and stepped outside and Laura followed after him. They made there way through the hallway and out towards the main living room where the front door was.

"ROCKY!" Somebody exclaimed. They made both Rocky, and Laura slightly jump. Sitting in the living room were the rest of the house members Riker, Ross, Rydel, and Ellington. They were all staring up at him shocked.

"Laura this is my family, and bandmates." Rocky introduced. Laura blushed at the sight of all there gazing eyes staring up at her.

"Rocky do you want to tell us what's going on?" Riker added.

"What do you mean?" Rocky asked. At this point Laura completely thought they were just teasing him about having a girl over, but they were worried about much more.

"Do you want to tell us why you're 'spending the night' with a married fugitive." Rocky's brother Riker looked genuinely concerned. As soon as the words came out of his mouth Laura's heart sank. Her whole body started shaking. They knew. She directed her gaze up to the TV, a news station was broadcasting.

"Police reports say she ran out of the house about 11:30 pm exactly two weeks ago tonight. She allegedly stabbed her husband, and raced away." The reporter spoke. Suddenly a face showed up on the screen, one she never wanted to see again. A red bar went across the screen that read "Eric, Husband" Tears flooded into her eyes. "I don't know what happened we were just sitting at home, and she suddenly started yelling at me. We got into a small fight, and she just stabbed me. She's my wife, and I love her. I just want to know where she's at." He said. The screen reverted back to the reporter. "Police think Laura may be located somewhere in Los Angeles, she was spotted the other day at Los Angeles Beach with singer, and member of the band R5: Rocky Lynch. If you have any information about Laura please contact police."

Laura thought she was going to hyperventilate. Her whole body felt numb. She couldn't breath. They had found her, they knew she was here. Eric was going to find her. She looked up to Rocky who had just witnessed the same news story. His soul looked crushed. A terrifying thought struck her. Rocky's name was on the news, he would find Rocky too, she knew what he was capable of. She had done the exact thing she was afraid of. A tear fell down her face. She didn't want Rocky getting hurt. She couldn't fathom it.

"Laura?" Rocky croaked. She shook her head, and quickly darted away towards the door. "Laura no wait!" He called after her. She stopped at the door, and turned around.

"NO ROCKY STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOU CANT GET HURT, I DON'T WANT YOU GETTING HURT! She yelled frantically. She could see tears slowly start to invade Rocky's eyes. Rocky shook his head, and stepped towards her.

"Laura what's going on? Please." He asked desperately. Seeing the pain in his eyes killed her. The last thing she wanted was Rocky to get hurt. She loved him to much for it to work.

"Rocky get away from me, you're not getting hurt because of me. Goodbye." Laura opened the door, and ran slamming the door behind her.

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