(Updated) Prologue

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In a land far far away where magic and mythical being exist, a kingdom called Luxrosalia appeared with the help of two god-like beings. Luxrosalia was built around lake Mystic surrounded by beautiful mountains that act as natural barriers. Due to the soil being very fertile and the water having medicinal properties, the kingdom never had any shortages in food and raw materials.

The two god-like beings that formed this ideal kingdom were born in lake Mystic. Originally, the land that surrounds the lake were just grassy plains until a star fell into the lake. The star gave life to the two beings and they started to form mountains to protect the lake. The soil became fertile and plant life started sprouting out of the ground. Not long after, humans discovered the lake and started to live around it. The two beings watched how the humans lived and decided to take on their forms. One was called Helena because her beauty matched the skies. She had almost white blonde hair with eyes as blue as the sky. The other being was called Rosella because her elegance can be compared to a rose. Unlike her sister, she had chocolate colored hair with eyes the color of rubies. Unbeknownst to the sisters, two human men saw the transformation and they were instantly captivated by the two goddesses. The two lucky men were twins named Ebony and Ivory who were loggers of the human village nearest the lake.

The twin brothers fell in love with the two goddesses of the lake and eventually gained the goddesses' love and trust as well. Their love stories are a tale for another time. Ivory became the lover of Helena while Ebony became Rosella's lover. The twin brothers were bestowed elemental abilities by their magical lovers. The two couples then began uniting all the villages to create Luxrosalia. The couples ruled the kingdom side by side until tragedy striked.

A powerful witch of a nearby kingdom heard of the magical lake. She quickly went to Luxrosalia to confirm the rumours. The witch was stopped by the villagers because of her strong aura that made people uneasy. She was asked to leave but persisted to stay causing the villagers to be frightened. Ebony who happened to be strolling around the kingdom saw the situation. Though he felt uneasy, he volunteered to help her see the lake. The witch was moved by the kind gestured and instantly fell for Ebony. The witch made Ebony fall asleep and made him believe that she was the one he loved. Thinking the witch was Rosella, he slept with her. Rosella heard about it and in her rage, she made it that the witch's descendants will be cursed to never find true love. The heartbroken Rosella gave up her mortal form and became part of the lake again surrounding the lake with mystical red roses. When Ebony realized what had happened, he was too late. He watched Rosella disappear right before his eyes so drowned himself and where he drowned a black wooded tree that bore silver leaves stood in his place. The silver leaves only grew when the roses bloomed. It became the meeting of the separated lovers. This became the festival of the Black Roses celebrated by the people in Luxrosalia to remember the love of Rosella and Ebony.

The witch who was cursed by Rosella, also cursed the royal family. No one knows what the curse was but ever since then whenever a twin was born of the royal family, there comes drought, sickness or hysteria. Royal twins were treated as taboos. One of the twins had to be given away or even worse killed to keep the kingdom safe from suffering.

After 100 years since the founding of Luxrosalia, there have been 4 sets of royal twins. The first set caused a short but painful mysterious drought that affected on the farmlands. Th second set caused an outbreak of rats all around the kingdom. During the time of the third set of twins, the royal family decided to sacrifice one of the twins and oddly nothing disastrous happened thus making people believe that only one twin must stay to insure peace. The fourth set of twins were born 30 years after the last set of twins. The royal family did not take the warnings to heart so they kept the twins. This caused a month of non-stop heavy rains in the whole kingdom. It stopped after a month because one of the twins were sent away to another kingdom.

On the 100th year after Luxroslia's founding, another set of twins were born. This is where my story starts. I am Zorya and I was Forgotten. 


(Updated) A/N

This is the new start of Forgotten. For future references, the chapters that I have rewritten have (Updated) before the title of the chapter. I hope you like the new version of the history of Skyrose (now Luxrosalia)

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Bunny xoxo

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