Tyler Joseph

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It's almost Christmas. You were so happy because you could finally see your boyfriend after so long with him being on tour, you were watching TV when you got a call from him "hey babe" you said as you answered "hey y/n" he said, you could tell there was something wrong by the tone of his voice and that's when you got worried "is there something wrong?" You asked Tyler "uhm yea..." "I don't think I'll be able to make it for Christmas" he said quietly. You felt your heart break into a million pieces "O-oh.." You said trying to make it seem like you weren't going to cry "Do you know why?" You said with your voice cracking a bit, he obviously noticed. "Y/n don't cry beautiful, I know you wanted to see me and I want to see you so badly too but you know, the tour hasn't ended completely yet.." You gathered up your emotions and wiped your eyes "okay" you said softly "I'll see you whenever you get back then" you said before you hung up. You were completely broken that you couldn't see Tyler for Christmas because that's all you really wanted; was to see him.

Time skipp

It was Christmas Eve and you got up putting on a sweater and some sweat pants with some hot cocoa in one of your favorite mugs and a book in your hand. You wanted to just relax on this day and enjoy it because hey, it was Christmas who wouldn't want to enjoy it, you tried to keep your mind off of the fact that Tyler wouldn't be coming home for Christmas which meant no Christmas cuddles because it was so cold out and no singing along to Christmas music together, thinking about it made your eyes tear up, until you heard a knock at the door. You were confused because you didn't think someone would be knocking on this day, so you got up and walked to the door opening it, and there was you boyfriend Tyler standing right in front of you with a gift in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other hand. "TYLER!!!" You screamed in joy as you gave him the tightest hug ever "I thought you said you wouldn't be able to come" you said as you let him inside and closed the door, he chuckled; "babe I only said that so I can make it a surprise" he said giving you a kiss that made your heart melt, you were so happy to be able to hug and kiss and rich him again, words could not describe the joy that you felt. He grinned "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked "CUDDLES AND SINGING ALONG TO CHRISTMAS MUSIC?" You yelled excitedly "HELL YEAH" he yelled laughing as he turned on some music.

For the rest of the day you guys cuddled, sang, and just enjoyed each other's company. You got exactly what you wished for Christmas

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