STUC - Chapter three

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Chapter Three

"My baby girl, i'm going to miss you so much!" Mom cried as she pulled me into a tight hug crushing every bone in my body.

"Erm, okay. Can I like, go now?" I asked as I pushed my mum off me. I didn't need any hugs and love at this point. I had tried everything I could think of in the past 24 hours to make sure I didn't end up here. Crying, screaming and threatening, but my attempts had failed. 

" Yes honey. You better hurry up and catch your flight." 

" My flight is in like five hours genius." Mom had dragged me out early to the airport because she had a date with Paul later on.

"Ya know mom. If I wasn't so freaking annoyed with you, I would have been able to laugh so much at how pathetic this situation is. I have to move to L.A because of your ex, whom is supposedly becoming much more than that. Again. And your ditching me early so you can hook up with him later." I sighed. I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and began turning around to get into the airport.

" I love you Adreana. Don't you forget that." My mother yelled as I made my way further into the airport.

" You have a pretty funny way of showing it." I muttered under my breath as I looked up at the screens looking for where I had to go. Gate 8. 

                                                                       * * * * * * * * * 

"Hey." The guy sitting next to me on my flight smiled at me as he took his hand out to shake mines. We had just taken off, and I felt sick to the core. I detested flying.

"Bye." I mumbled as I looked out of  the window only to come across blackness.

" It's night time, I doubt your gonna see anything." The guy next to me chuckled.  Stupid idiot.

"Thank you captain obvious."  The flight had just taken off, so I had a few hours ahead of me in which I had nothing to do. I decided to read a book to pass time. My latest interest was in murder mystery books. I snuggled as much as I could into the hard chair and dived into the world of books. When I read, (& if the book was decent) I wouldn't pay attention to anyone or anything. My mind was completely gone. Which was quite shocking for some people. Nobody at my school - my old school- would have ever thought that me, Adreana Silver, the tough girl would actually have a great passion for reading. 

" So,what is your name sexy?" Guy next to me asked. I decided to ignore him, which didn't seem to be ok with him. He tapped my shoulder and asked me again. I turned to face him in frustration and looked at him ready to give him a big speech about personal space when I was met with the most interesting pair of eyes I had ever seen. They were big and breath taking. I couldn't even describe how distracting they were, it was as though his eyes were made of the most interesting shade of green I had ever seen.

" Woah, chill out on the staring. " He chuckled.  I realised I had been looking for too long. 

" I was not staring."

" Can't exactly blame you babe, I am pretty hot." Guy next to me was pretty good looking. Though I didn't really care, seeing as how checking out led to dating.Something I didn't exactly like. He had dark hair, either black or really dark brown and it was all floppy in the right way. He had an awesome jawline as well. Yeah, I was pretty weird like that. Jawlines meant alot to me when it came to classifying someone as hot.

" And you also seem pretty full of it." I mocked as I rolled my eyes at his typical guy behaviour.

" Ah, and it talks." 

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