STUC - Chapter four.

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Chapter Four

"Here we are miss." Man said as he pulled up in front of a house that looked the size of my town. 

 " Erm, what part do we live in?" I asked, confused about whether the whole building was my new home or not. Man laughed at my question which gave me my answer. Clearly, this whole place was my new home. Holy shit.

 " Adreana, this", he spread his arms out, " is your home." 

 Gosh, the house was huge. In fact, it was more like a gazillion houses put together. It was in the shape of a U, and it stood tall and proud. There was a fountain and pool in the middle of it all where Man had parked the car. It was completely overwhelming. I wondered who the hell would want to swim in the front. I thought swimming pool's where at the back of the house.

 " Come on in Adreana. You must be tired." 

 Man got out of the car , collecting my bags from the boot. I took a deep breath and began following him in. Holy shit, this place really was huge.It would take me ages to get adjusted. The ultimate party place, I thought, grinning to myself.  Man rang the doorbell and we both stood there waiting for someone to open the door. A tall woman in a tight dress opened the door. Her strong perfume suddenly becoming my oxygen. She looked around 30, but I knew she was older. She perfectly fit into the description my mom had given me in regards to my step mom. Tall, skinny and blond. Clearly my father had hit the jackpot when he had married her. 

 She stepped forward and gave me an air kiss on each cheek. Was this woman for real? 

" Hello Adreana. Welcome to your new home.I'm Katherine, your father's wife." She smiled genuinely at me and stepped back holding my shoulders. 

" I'm extremely sorry your father wasn't able to come and collect you from the airport. He'll be home soon so you can meet him then. My kids are all out and about so you'll probably meet them at dinner." She smiled at me waiting for me to respond. I wanted to be rude to her, I mean I wasn't about to act like I was thrilled to be here. Even though the house was kick-ass. But she was too nice so I tried to act bothered.

 " Oh erm, cool. How many kids you got?" I asked her. Standing in the doorway awkwardly. Man still stood on the side holding my bags.

" We shall discuss all of this later. For now let me show you your room and let poor Amando put your things down. Follow me."  She began walking down a hallway expecting me to follow. I smiled at Man, lifting my eyebrows, indicating how ridiculously big I found this place. He rolled his eyes in response. I looked around only to come across more hallways with fancy paintings on the walls, and shut doors. 

" Don't you lot ever leave a door open?" I questioned Katherine. I wasn't about to start calling her mom or anything as stupid as that. She laughed at my question.

" Erm, I guess i've never really realised that before. Good question though." Our conversation ended there and we began to climb some stairs. We stopped at the second door which looked big and brown.

" This is your room. If you don't like anything, just let me know. I'll sort it out. It's an two hours until dinner so until then you can just unpack and settle in. I'll get Jessica to show you around later." She smiled at me again. Gosh, I wondered if her jaws hurt from so much smiling. She really was pretty. She had a baby face which made her look really young. Big blue eyes which had light make up on them. She had these high things in her cheeks .I forgot what they were called. Erm, I recalled someone commenting on my cheek things once and remembered they were called cheekbones. 

"Who's Jessica?" I sounded like I was barking at her or something. I couldn't help but feel so out of place. I longed to be back in my tiny room with my awesome sound system. But as my mom says, crimanals can't be choosers. 

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