STUC - Chapter six.

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Chapter Six

 "Adreana, honey, Lee's here to take you to school." I stopped eating my cereal and looked up at Katherine. What was she on about? Alex was suppose to be taking me to school.

" Erm, Katherine, Alex is picking me up."

" Oh honey, Alex and Wren took Wren's car and they just left. Alex told me to tell you that Lee wanted to take you to school." Katherine said, picking up one of her flashy magazines off the kitchen table and walking off to go sit in the sun. I called out to her before she went, she turned around and lifted her sunglasses off her head, resting them on her honey hair. 

" So I'm going with Lee? Who's gonna drop me home after school?" I asked her, getting off the chair and washing my hands. 

" Lee will take you to school, and if you don't want to wait for Wren to finish football practice, i'll come and pick you up."  She answered me.

"Ok, cool.So, i'll see ya later." I grabbed my bag and began walking out of the house.

"Have a nice day Adreana." She exclaimed. 

"I doubt that." I muttered under my breath, closing the door behind me. It was a really hot day in L.A, so I had decided to dress light. I was wearing a long baggy top which was white and had a big gun on it with jeans. My top said, " Look again and i'll shoot." I loved it. Haha.  

Lee honked his horn. Typical, I thought as I looked at his fancy car.Lamborghini aventador.I could imagine the guys freaking out over this car. I walked upto the car and pulled open the door, and sat down. Lee turned around facing me, smirking. 

"Well, come on then." I ordered.

" Good morning to you too, Princess." He smiled.

"Would you stop calling me that please?" 

" It IS your name." He stated, starting the car.

"No it is not. My name's Adreana, but you already know that. Why did you tell Alex that you'd pick me up for school?" I asked him.

"Because I want to be your BFF, so I thought we could start off like this." He joked. I ignored him and looked out of the window, admiring the view in front of me. The sun pouring down on L.A, all these huge fancy looking houses.

"Have you never seen a house?" Lee asked me.

"Not the size of my entire town.No." I joked.He smiled at my answer.

" So how's Tom? Did he pick you up or Amando?" He mocked.

" Tom's actually from back where I live." I cleared.

" Interesting." 

"How do you know Wren?" I asked, just trying to make conversation. I hated akward silences.

"Oh, we go way back. From like kindergaden I guess. Plus he's dating my sister so I keep an extra eye on him." He stated. I was shocked. Woah, so Lee and Alex where siblings. Small world.

" Oh, your siblings?"

"Yep. Unfortunatley. And here we are, your school for the next year. Welcome to Valentine." Lee pulled up into a parking spot and stopped his car.

I took a deep breath and mentally prepeared myself for the day that awaited me. I knew for a fact I had to keep a low profile, which meant no pissing people off- something I loved to do. I stepped out of the car and pulled my bag over my shoulder. I turned around to thank Lee for the ride, only to come across a girl snogging the life out of his face. Eurgh, it's like they where hoovering each others faces. Lee pulled away noticing me standing there.

"Thanks for the ride." I muttered, walking off.

" No problem. If you need a lift back home just let me know." He said. I was so not going to go home with him. Once you take lifts from people they think that you owe them something. Something I wanted to avoid completely. I headed for the main door when I heard his girlfriend muttering something about why was he talking to a ugly girl who was so 'ew'.

I was suddenly very pissed off. I turned around and walked right back upto the girl. I pulled her off Lee, she was a whole head shorter than me. She looked mortified.

"Eurgh, you freak. What the hell?" She shrieked. Lee just stood on the side looking amused.

" Dont fucking talk about me behind my back unless you want my fist in your face. Do you understand?" I realised I had grabbed onto her upper arm really tightly.

" Okay, jheeze. Get your hand off me it's hurting." I let go and threw her my best scary face. Taking a breath I walked towards the building when I heard her calling me a bitch.

Next thing I knew my fist was connecting with her nose and  she was bleeding. Shit, not a good start to a new school.

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