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After breakfast in my bed I caught from the kids outside that there's a new person entering our home. Ms.Mami walked up to my room, telling me to come downstairs to our group greeting. I walked down and she walked down behind me.

I looked around at everyone as they stared at me, and sat a few feet from a corner away from everyone else. I could feel Fred and his dudes stare and chuckle at me. I honestly didn't care about them anymore. I focused on the unfamiliar girl walking into the room shyly. Ms.Mami walked up to her and smiled, then turned to everyone else. "Everyone! This is Mia. She's gonna be with us!" Ms.Mami chortled.

"Hi Mia!" Everyone said in unison. I didn't say a word. I kept my mouth closed.

I just wish i could've said "Good Luck Mia." But maybe i'd get sent to my room again. Everyone then stood up and got in a line. One by one, everyone shook her hand while Ms.Mami told their names to her. I was last in line, of course. And everybody except Mia and Ms.Mami had went back outside to play. I slowly stepped up to them. I took my hands out of my pockets and shook hands with Mia, not smiling a bit. "That's Jaden." Ms.Mami said, looking at Mia then me. "Hi." Mia said, smiling.

"Mia. Why don't you go outside and get to know everyone! I'll put your bags up." Ms.Mami insisted. Mia smiled at her. "Thank you!" She said, running out the door, outside. Ms.Mami turned to me. "Now Jaden," she said, sighing. "Since you're part of this house too...and we got a new girl, you get to go outside today, okay?"

I blinked, putting my hands back in my pockets. "Yes ma'am," I mumbled, nodding. I slowly walked out the door, outside. Everyone was  outside in the yard, laughing, jumping, playing. I spotted Mia talking to a group of by the fountain.

I sat at the chair in front on the porch, trying to stay as far away from everyone as possible. I sat there, watching everyone.. and pretending as if I'm doing my own thing, playing with my yoyo that I pulled out my pocket.

I wanted to go out play around like everyone else. But "Loney" has to stay in this chair because he has no one to play with...or talk to.

Mia got plenty of other people to meet and become friends with other than me. I'd  probably creep her out.

"AYE FAGGOT!" I heard someone yell. I ignored them, and stared straight forward. Then I noticed some kids mocking me..mocking the incident yesterday. They started to laugh as they caught me staring at them. I frowned and slumped in the chair.

I sat there until Ms.Mami called out for lunch. And I was the last one to get in, unfortunately, because i was being pushed to the back. They say ... When someone's in the back, they get the coldest food. And to my non-surprise. It was cold.

I sat in the corner from everyone else, who was crowded around Mia, eating and laughing at her jokes.

I took a bit out of my cornbread, frowned, and spit it back out on my plate. I looked at Ms.Mami as she walked over to the kids, cutting her eyes at me but not seeming to care that I'm by myself. She sat with them and started to talk and talk and talk.

I got up and raked my food in the trash, then put the tray in the sink. I walked around the group to the steps and looked at everyone. They didn't even seem to notice that I passed. They just sat there, talking and laughing, playing with uno cards.

I started to walk up the steps when i heard my name being called.

"Loney" (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now