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~ Narrator POV ~

"Oh my gosh! PLEASE find him!"

Ms.Mami was wrapped in a thick blanket, tears streaming from her eyes. 3 police cars were crowded in front of the home. Only 3 officers.

"We'll find him ma'am." One had said, "We'll find him."

All three of the officers got into their cars and slowly drove in different directions, shining their flashlights outside at houses, trees, and the streets.

Ms.Mami walked back inside the home staring at all the kids that had rushed to the front door. She closed the door behind her and sighed. "They're looking for him right now...there's no need to worry..." She walked throught the crowd of kids to her room far in the back, and sat down at her bed, wiping her tears away.




~Jaden's POV~

Where in the living hell am I?

Im sitting at this giant tree in the middle of the woods, slapping off the cockroaches and mosquitos.

As soon as my arm started to sting, I knew that a piece of my shirt that I had torn of being wrapped around it wouldn't work. I was starting to look like a stranded cannibal by the minute. I was already dirty from falling in a huge puddle of mud and wet grass. My hair was brown. My shirt is hard and crackly from the dried up mud. I still feel some mud in ... a place where mud shouldn't be... and now my eyes feel dry and crappy as fuck.

And I'm just sitting here like it's nothing. Because it honestly isn't.

I wouldn't mind dying here . . .


Morning time.

I was lying on the ground, asleep, when a rustle in the bushes woke me up. I shot up from the grass and looked around. I ran behind the tree and slowly stared in the direction of the bush. "Fuck.." I mumbled, feeling dizzy.

I slowly slid down the tree and sighed. Gaining my vision back, I felt a sudden throbbing pain in my arm like someone was throwing bricks and rocks at it.

I slowly  unwrapped the piece of my shirt from around my arm and stared at the gash. "fuck..." I groaned, as I felt a sharp pain. I quickly got up and started to run through the woods, TRYING to find my way out.

All I saw was trees and bushes around me in every angle. I was starting to think I was going in circles...


I paused and slowly turned around.


"JADEN!" She screamed, running and hugging me. I stood there, shocked. "JADEN" she let go and stared at me, tears in her eyes, smiling.

"I-....I thought you were-"

"I am.." she said, mournfully. "But...I wanted to see you,"

I hugged her tight and cried. "Why...why'd you leave me willow?!"

"Im sorry Jaden! But there's sickness in the places that you would never expect them to be! Im sorry...please don't cry." She pulled away and wiped my tears away. "Please. Mom doesn't like it when you cry big brother."

"I don't wanna live like this alone!" I mumbled, crying out the many tears I had. "You're not going to! Me and mom will still be here with you! You got us! And god... We can help you!" She stared at my arm.

"Ouch." She grimaced and looked at me. "That had to hurt, huh?" she asked in her playful accent. I chuckled. "It still does!" I said, slapping her reaching hand away. She laughed. "Lemme touch it!"

"You crazy?!" I exclaimed, raising an eyebrow. "No!"

She pointed her finger towards me, inching it towards my arm. I stepped back. "No."

She took a step forward. "Yes."

"No." I started to walk backwards, quickly looking behind me. Willow kept walking towards me. And then I turned and sprinted. "HAAA!" I yelled.

I heard Willow closely behind me. "LEMME TOUCH IT JADEN! YOU PROBABLY WON'T EVEN FEEL IT!"

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?" I jumped over a puddle and kept running, looking back and laughing hard as she got splashed.

"EWW!" She yelled, laughing and running faster towards me.


I stopped, staring in front of me. I had just realized I ran out of the woods...in some kind of neighborhood. . .

Willow stopped beside me, panting like crazy. "Jaden!" She exclaimed, she pointed right in front of me. "That's our house!"

My heart sank.

The house was literally covered up... In caution tape. It seemed as if the roof was completely gone. The porch was full of growing plants and weeds. The windows were broken and paint was peeling from the front. "What happened?!" I panted, staring at willow.

Willow sighed.

"The house was broken into, and caught on fire." She shook her head and stared at me. "I don't know what happened...I remember when our house was the best looking in the neighborhood. Now it's just....."

She didn't finish her sentence, she just stared.

"How did I not know this...." I mumbled, staring at the ground.

Willow lifted my head. "It's gonna be okay..." She hugged me lightly. "You're still here, right?"

I didn't answer. I just hugged her back, staring into space, now furious with everything in the world.

Willow hugged tighter. "It's okay Jaden." she kissed me on the cheek. "Please...be safe."

I blinked out my thoughts. "WAIT!... WILLOW!"

I looked around. She was no where to be seen.

I sighed hard, wiping my face hard with my hands.

What the hell am I gonna do now?

I was too busy pacing around , deep in my thoughts when I heard sirens getting closer and closer. It finally reached to me, and I stared at it.


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