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/ sorry for any typos \

Fred threw a folded paper at Jaden, smirking. "Whoever the hell you're writing about i bet isn't even happy with you. I mean, what can you do in a relationship?"

Jaden frowned, unfolding the paper. He quickly folded it back up and glared up at Fred. "How did this get down there?"

"That doesn't matter. What it is is that your weak." Fred slammed the door shut.

You're weak .....

"Jaden! You can't handle that! You're too weak!"

"Jaden! You're the weakest person i've ever seen."

"Jaden, your results are poor. You are getting weaker

and weaker."

and weaker

and weaker

and weaker

'Well then, why aren't I dying?''

"Jaden...why aren't you eating?" Ms.Moss asks, watching Jaden sit at the dinner table with an empty plate. "I'm not hungry," he replied croakily, gently pushing his cup of water away.

"You're not even thirsty?"

"No.." Jaden mumbled. He tried hard not to lock quick glances at Litzy, who was way on the other side. He kept his eyes on the plate.

As soon as dinner was over, Jaden stood from his seat, leaving his plate and everything else on the table. He quickly walked up the steps towards his room, closing the door behind him.

He began to dig inside of his drawers, pulling out a pencil and a piece of paper. He slowly walked towards his desk, and plopped in the chair. Sighing, he slowly started to write...

Litzy... I can't stand another few hours without thinking about you. Even minutes. I'm really sorry about yesterday. I don't know why i just yelled at you like that but it just came out...i'm sorry. I really hope you forgive me. All i did was reject the fact that i seriously need help. And it was all my fault so....please forgive me, Litzy. I love you.

I love you ...


-7 year old Jaden-

"Dad....Dad look what I-"

"Not right now, Jaden! Can't you see i'm doing something right now?!"

Jaden's brightened face suddenly dimmed.

"But dad...i got an 'A' on my vocabulary test!" Jaden whined.

"That's good, that's good! Now let me do my work!"

"Yes dad..." Jaden slowly walked out, trying to contain his tears. He sniffed and quickly slapped a falling tear off his face as he stomped up the steps. "MOOOOM!" he yelled his his little squeaky voice. He slowly walked in his mother's room, looking around at the emptiness. "Mom?"

Jaden heard a few coughs coming from his mother's bathroom. He ran towards the bathroom and walked in. "Mo- Are you okay mom?" He asked, setting his paper down on the counter. He walked over to his mother, who's head was directly over the toilet. Jaden slowly touched her shoulder. "Mom?"

She quickly looked up at him. "Jaden. Go get that little...that thing over there on the counter" she croaked, pointing towards a pregnancy test that was lying on the counter. Jaden slowly lifted the pregnancy test, and handed it to his mother, a bunch of curiosity filling his eyes.

"Mom...what is that?"

"Jaden...Go. Now."

"But mom...what's that?" Jaden pointed to the pregnancy test that was now clutched in his mother's hands. "JADEN. GO PLAY WITH WILLOW OR SOMETHIN'!"

"But Willow's still at the daycare!" Jaden started to whine, tears welling up in his eyes. "WELL GO WITH YOUR FATHER!"

"But he- he doesn't want me to talk to him when he's working!"


"Mooooom!" Jaden was crying, covering his face with his stubby hands. He squealed as a brush can whirling towards his way, barely hitting him.


"I HATE YOU AND DAD!" Jaden ran out the the bathroom towards his room, tripping and landing face first on the floor. He laid there crying, until he huddled himself up in the corner for the rest of the day. Not even coming out when his dad picked up Willow from the daycare. He just sat and cried, all day.


Jaden slipped the piece of paper under Litzy's door

Life is slow motion
And I'm swimming in the ocean
when im next to you
if im not with you then im thinkin of you
'cause ...

i miss you


He plopped on his bed, his stomach growling.

It was now the next day, and Jaden stood from his bed, without any sleep. He put his head down on the dresser, trying to keep from getting dizzy.

He slowly walked to his bathroom, turning on the faucet and splashing his face with water. Yet he still didn't feel any better. He still felt dry inside. Then it hit him.

He quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth and walked towards his door, opening it. And Ms.Mami was just about to knock. "Oh...Good morning Jaden. Breakfast is ready!" She grinned, hoping that he wont reject eating again. Instead, he walked past her, jogging down the steps towards the diner table.

"Wow, Jaden!" Ms.Mami exclaimed, following him. "What's up with you today?" She walked up to him while he was hurriedly fixing his plate. He didn't answer, more like he didn't even recognize her. He continued to fix his plate until Ms.Mami gently grabbed his arm.

"Jaden..." She chuckled. "Slow down!"

Jaden slowly looked at her. "Huh?" He seemed confused, staring down at his plate.

"Slow down." Ms.Mami said slowly, squeezing Jaden's shoulder.

"Oh...i'm sorry. Im just hungry."

"Probably because you didn't eat at all yesterday!"

Jadwn didn't respond to that statement. "Can I eat in the main room?" He questioned.
Ms.Mami stared at him. "Why not at the table, with everyone else?"

Jaden took a good stare at Litzy, who was silently looking around and chewing her food. "I don't know..." He mumbled. Ms.Mami sighed. "Alright Jaden. Go."

Jaden hurried to the main room and sat on the couch. He began to dig into his plate, and a few moment later, finished. He wasn't even full until he had 3 and a half plates full of breakfast food. It was then until he realized that it was abnormal, but before he could jog up the steps ...

"Jaden. We need to talk."

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