Chapter 1

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*Ocean is currently narrating*
I haven't ever been this hexcited since my first day of Spellementery School, hexcept that was a disaster. Now I get to be with other people like me! I'm going to High School now. Ever After High school.

...but I'm nervous. Even more nervous than I might be hexcited. I love my mum and dad, but I can't talk about them. They are from the most embarrassing story ever after. I won't tell anyone at school.

"Honey, breakfast is almost ready!" My mother calls. I quickly grab my hext books and luggage and run down the stairs, greeted at the landing by my father. My jaw drops as I see a beautiful turquoise dress with a ruby encrusted crown and diamond necklace. "This gown was made with the finest silk our royal dress makers could find. The crown was made with only the shiniest gold and rubies, able to show you your reflection. And the diamond was-" "...was simply the best in the land. I know papa, but you do realize this is my first day of school, not thronecoming?" We burst into laughter.

My mother hands me a golden sunny side up and toast. And we sit down to eat. Within the first two minutes I have devoured my whole plate. "You must of been starving!" My mother says in surprise. "I'm just so hexcited for school, mother." "In that case, you may be hexcused!"

I dash to my room and hang up my silk onzie and robe and put on my dress and accessories. I do my make up with care and run to the back of my door, remembering that the mirror that was once there was now in my bag. I couldn't be bothered to dig through my luggage just to use it once more, so seeing the gown, I trusted that I looked fabulous.

I come back to my parents where we say our goodbyes and I run to the carriage. They come out to see my go. The carriage starts to move and I look back at the village and wave. They wave back and I look towards me. I am really hexcited to start my new adventure.

I hope you have enjoyed the first part of the story. If you like the story so far, votes are highly appreciated as they motivate me to write more. Have a nice day!

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