Chapter 7/ Day 2 Part 2

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"So Ms. Empress, what is your favorite subject?" Prof. Rumpelstiltskin asked.
"I love both science and chemythsty," Ocean replied both confidently and nervously.
"Hmm. I think I'm going to like this kid..." Professor murmured under his breath. Ocean confidently went to her seat.

While the Professor was going on about how to use your skill of sorcerring correctly, Ocean just couldn't pay attention. All that was going through her mind was the handsome archer. While everyone was taking notes, she was just writing the name 'Hunter' over and over again but in different colours and fonts. Ocean and Hunter did not share any of the same classes so the only time she would get to see him would be at lunch.

It was lunch and Hunter had just come into sight. She was staring at him until someone sat down next to her. She didn't really mind so she just continued to stare and nibble on her fairy bread. "Hey!" She heard the student say to her. She quickly turned around and-oh my godmother! Ocean almost fell out of her seat when she saw the notorious and evil Raven Queen waving to her. Ocean was too nervous to move. "Before you say anything, I am not going to put you under a spell, I am not going to poison you or any of these things:" Raven handed Ocean a meter long list of things that Raven 'wouldn't do to her'. Ocean stayed silent.

"Who are you looking at?" Raven noticed her staring at Hunter Huntsmen. "Oh no..." Raven thought out loud. Raven motioned C.A Cupid, daughter of Cupid to come over and she pulled her aside. "Did you do this? The poor girl is going to end up in heart break!" "Of course not! This is true love!" Cupid sighed. "This is the kind of love you feel when you just know that you are perfect for each other, not the love from an arrow." C.A Cupid stated.

After a long half an hour of staring and not really eating, a girl with strawberry blonde hair came up to Hunter. They seemed to get closer to each other. They both leaned in...and kissed! Gemma quickly covered Oceans eyes and took her to the dorm.

When Ocean was back in the dorm, she was still in shock. "You look like you saw a ghost!" Gemma said. "No, it was worse. I saw Ashlynn. Ashlynn Ella. First she steals boyfriend, then she steals my crush? I am not letting this happen."

Did you enjoy this nice long chapter? How does Ocean already know Ashlynn? What does Ocean mean when she says Ashlynn stole her boyfriend? What is Ocean going to do? So many questions! All will be answered soon, so stay tuned for more. :)

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