Chapter 3/Day 1 Part 2

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Blondie leads Ocean hexcitedly to the Grimmnasium. Blondie waves to Apple White. "She is Charm Team Captain," "...and Co-captain of the Royal Student Council..." Apple continues and giggles as she walks over. "Hi there! Are you the new student? Let me introduce myself. I'm Apple White, daughter of Snow White." "Of course..." Ocean replies. "I am soon to be Empress Ocean. "Who are your parents?" Ocean stays silent as the question sinks in.

"...anyway, we should get going, we have much more to show." Blondie interrups. Apple sweetly waves as Blondie drags Ocean away. 'Oh my godmother, that was close' Ocean thought to herself. "What happened?" Blondie shakes her head.

As an arrow shoots passed, Blondie points at handsome Archery Team Captain, Hunter Huntsman. Ocean stares. She had never felt this way before.

From the other way, a croquet ball comes at her and stops at her shoes. Ocean turns around to see a frustrated face staring at her. The girl gasps. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!" Ocean then realized that she was standing in the way of a croquet practise. She runs off as she quickly realizes that she has just ticked off Lizzie Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts. She decides she had enough of that for one day.

EAH: Empress OceanWhere stories live. Discover now