Chapter 9/ Day 4 Part 2

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"Don't worry about it. If Ashlynn was mean then well, she has changed." Gemma insisted.
"Oh, I don't think so," Ocean replied defensively as she tore up a Polaroid of Laurence, Ashlynn and Ocean together as friends. "Really! Well I guess you are taking her side then." Ocean yelled in shock.
"Of course not! Maybe you are just wrong for the first time ever..." Ocean took major offense.
"Your just as bad as Ashlynn! You act sweet and innocent at first, then you strike like a ninja!" Ocean was practically on fire. "You really need to take an anger management class. Hey, there is even one that takes place right in the school!"
Ocean barged out of the dorm, purposely knocking over a vase of flowers, smashing it. Once Ocean slammed the door, Gemma sat down, with the palm of her hand hitting her forehead.

Ocean, was on fire. She stomped out of the dorm in tears and ran to the courtyard, sitting on one of the benches. She sat for a while, just taking in the fresh air, trying to calm down by staring at the water flow in the fountain. She looked down, seeing a villain in the reflection of the pool. She looked closer, seeing that it was her! She scrunched up her eyes, opened to see everything was fine but really, it wasn't. Her life was a mess. She looked down in frustration, tears gushing out.

Pretty tense chapter, don't you think? I feel bad for #Gemocean! There friendship was coming along so well! I guess you will just have to stay tuned to find out what happens next.

EAH: Empress OceanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum