Chapter 15

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After the incident, everyone returned to their normal lives, Queen Butterfly was already fond of the Diaz family they weren't the humans that they've met, they were more cheerful and did not focus on riches.
As for Star, she was excited that her mom will be leaving already, finally! She can play with her wand again.

But, someone is going to ruin the fun.

The next day, Star and Marco are going to school, they were chatting and laughing on the way to the bus-stop. But a girl stopped them, she looks like Star, but the opposite of her, she has raven-colored hair, fair-skinned, her cheeks have skulls on it. Gray eyes filled with anger and revenge, her outfit was a black jumpsuit.

Everyone looked at the mysterious girl, everyone brought out their phones and began taking videos and pictures of her, the crowd was annoying the girl, so she disappeared.

Everyone began saying that was 'Star's hater' or something, when the two overheard that, Star was crushed.
"Umm, do you know her?" Ferguson asks, the group huddled together. "Yeah.. She's an enemy of the family." Star replies, whispering. "Like, a minion of Ludo?" Marco suggests, Star shook her head.

"No, she's not a minion of Ludo, she's not even associated with anyone either. She's also aiming for the wand."

Everyone seems to be shocked, including Marco, he thought that Ludo was only after the wand, but also a girl? He doesn't want to hurt any girl, unless she's older.

"Tell me more about her, once we go home, so we can be ready for her attacks or whatever." Marco said, before he could say anything else, the bus is already there, honking at them.

I thought she died..

After classes, the two went home by foot, the two talked about the mysterious girl.

"Her mother is my mother's sister, she died several years ago, during a fire in their castle, no one took her in, her father has a trauma and died after that, I'm guessing, that her heart turns pure evil and wants to avenge her parents by stealing the wand, I know there's some secrets in it."

"Does she know any spells?"

"Maybe, but when I was young, I saw her reading my mother's spellbook, when I caught her, she quickly stopped, and acted all innocent."

The mysterious girl returned again, she quickly attacks Marco with punches and kicks. "NARWHAL BLAST!" Star yells, a cute, kawaii narwhal blasted out, the girl backflips, missing the narhwal.

"Stop, what you're doing, you can't stop me."

"I know what you came for, so come and get it!" Star shouts, waving her wand in the air. "Tch, whatever, can I at least have a little fun with your pet?" The mysterious girl asks, as she walks over to Marco, giving him a swift kick.

"NO!" Star yells, angered by what the girl did, she quickly casts different spells at her, but each missed.
"Every time you attack me, I'll kill your pet." The girl threatens, again, walking to Marco and kicks him in the stomach.

"STOP IT!" Star commands, she casts a spell on Marco, locking him up in a see-through box.
"Star, don't you remember me?"

"Yes, but not your name."

"Aw, what a pity. I'll repeat it for you, for the demon's sake! Verlieren Dämonisch is my name, the youngest among the Dämonish siblings!" Verlieren explains, Star spaces out for a minute, triggering all of the memories that Verlieren did to her.

Verlieren charges her fist at Star, when someone stops her, Marco. "Get out!" Verlieren yells, shoving Marco away, Marco's head hit the cement too hard, Star felt like everything is going to be lost because of Verlieren. "Now, hand over the wand, and everything will return the way it was." Verlieren lies, Marco tries to stop the young girl.

"N-No.. D-Don't.. D-Do.. I-It.. S-Sta.." Marco dies on the ground, the sunset was already gone.. It was already night.

"MARCO!!!" Star yells, piercing the ears of everyone who walks by or passes by.

Tears prickled down from her eyes, she quickly attacks her cousin, "How dare you!"

When Verlieren lost balance, her head hits the lamppost, making her unconscious for a minute. "Enough is enough, Verlieren." Star says, pointing then wand infront of Verlieren's face.

"Tell me how to bring Marco back to life."

Verlieren shook her head, "Of course not! I need your wand to bring my family, my kingdom, my subjects, my people and my whole dimension back to together."

"Do it, please." Star begs, desperately. Verlieren saw how Star begged, she was serious, she wants her friend back, she knew that her friend has a family, that who couldn't afford to lose their only son. "As you wish." Verlieren said, defeated, she stood up, grabbing Star's wand, it changes it's appearance.

A black colored handle, a gray-broken heart, a silver crown, with her family's crest on it, the gray-gems finishes the look.

"Sein leben wieder zurück, Ich befehle dir die kraft des halters!" She casts the spell on Marco's lifeless body, but it didn't work. "Huh? I thought it would.. I guess it doesn't work on humans."

"Star, when we first met, when you saw me reading the book of spells, I read one thing about revving.. I guess you have to kiss Marco, fully on the lips, just like the 'Sleeping Beauty'." Verlieren explains, giving back the wand to Star.

Star blushes, and nodded, she kneels down beside the body of Marco and kisses his lips. Marco woke up, his eyelids shot open, he saw Star kissing him, when Star saw that Marco is back, she breaks the kiss and hugs him.

"Oh thank you, oh thank you!" Star chanted all over again, making Verlieren happy. "What could I do for you?"

"Umm there is this one thing."

Star brings out her dimensional scissors and brought themselves to Verlieren's broken, deserted, lifeless and depressing dimension, the Schrei, the story of this dimension of how it broke down, Ludo's ancestors, came to the dimension, the two dimensions were rivals back then, and burned, killed and even stole everything in the dimension, leaving nothing but the lonely, suriving, princess, Verlieren.

Star hands over Verlieren her hand, turning it to the previous design, Verlieren took a deep breath, and exhaled it.

"Ich befehle, um deiner rückkehr das Leben der dimension, bin ich jetzt stehen, bringen alle farben , erinnerungen und lachen in diese welt." She chants, the wand shoots out different colors, one by one the buildings, the stores, the terrain returned, next were the people, she completely drops Star's wand, when she saw someone.

She runs to him, hugging him tightly. "Verlieren?" The boy asks, relieved to see her. "Bewundern!" Verlieren shrieks, hugging him tightly even more.

"Suus ' Tanto duxi, non videre, sed ope fraterna vita revixit tandem ratione possidet.. Futurum vir meus." Verlieren said, caressing Bewundern's cheeks.

Star and Marco cuddled each other, they were so touched by the scene, a princess and a villager loving each other, just like a princess and human being friends.

Soon, the whole dimension was brought back, with King Liebe and Queen Blau, Verlieren's parents, then later on, her 19 siblings joined, they all hugged each other.

"Star! Look at you, you're already grown-up." Queen Blau said, happily. "Thank you for returning our lives and kingdom back."

"No, it wasn't me, it was your daughter, Verlieren, she used my wand to chant a spell." Star admits, Queen Blau was surprised.

"Oh, I didn't expect her to do that."

Later on, the two returned home, it was already 8PM, luckily they had time to do their homework.

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