Author's Note

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I'm terribly sorry that this story remains unfinished, I promised numerous times I will post a new chapter but I am so hooked with my new stories that I forgot about some. In the mean time, I'm teaming up with my classmate. To make a chapter, while waiting for this chapter.. You can read these stories created by me also.

camera boy

my notebook,

School, Me Poetry.

My original, Yandere series.. My Serial Lover

Please don't get mad at me for not posting, I'm usually busy writing chapters for my new book. SO I don't really have time for this, I get hit by a writer's block too. 

I'm still wondering, if this will get a sequel though. But it'll no longer follow the plot of the cartoon, kinda like my AU. Where THINGS go my way.

Thanks for reading, be sure to wait or read my other stories in the mean time.

Thank you for being loyal and patient with me, I love you all. I just wanted to point out this story is still ongoing and alive, but I'm too busy to update it.

~ KingMarmari/GrowTopiaStories/Marmari-T


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