Fighting is (Not) Fun

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It was late into fifth period as Sabrina and Puck glared at the history teacher who graced them with an oh so wonderful lecture. Take note of the sarcasm. Sabrina didn't understand why theg had to learn history; it's not like she'll ever need it.

Saving them from the horrible fate of finishing this class, the intercom broke through the sound waves. "I need Mrs. Frink's and Mr. Howell's homerooms to please come to the library for pictures. Thank you."

Some students watched sadly as about five of their peers left without them, Sabrina and Puck included. Sabrina shoved Puck into the hall when he attempted to give his teacher the bird while leaving. Luckily, the teacher hadn't noticed the attempted act of defiance.

They both took a seat in the library and silently waited for their names to be called. "Don't screw this up," Sabrina muttered to Puck.

He scoffed defiantly. "Sure, like I'm going to screw it up. I bet you do."

"No, I won't," Sabrina argued as they called for Puck. "Hey, it's your turn, Goodfellow."

She watched as he strutted up to the photographer with his head held proud in the air.

The woman stood behind the camera and said, "Cheese."

Puck continued to sit in the seat even if the photographer had taken the picture, and had been waiting for him to leave for a good amount of time. Sabrina couldn't wait to give him hell for that one.

"Sabrina Grimm."

Sabrina walked over to the booth and did as she was told. After a minute of the lady fixing her hair and posture, she finally moved to take the picture. Sabrina thought about how she was so going to rub it in Puck's face for taking a better picture. Serves him right!


Sabrina put on her prettiest, fakest grin she could muster. After all, she was about to win a war with the faerie. There was a brief flash and Sabrina's eyes felt a little irritated for a moment, but she just rubbed them and brissled over to Puck.

"Did you have fun screwing up like you always do?" Sabrina gloated with glee. All Puck could muster was a dagger-throwing glare in her direction. Whatever, at least she knew when to leave after a school picture. "C'mon let's get back to class."

Luckily the bell rung, signaling the end of this period. Both teens spun around on their heels and headed toward their next class- gym. Woo-hoo. Not. Well, at least for Sabrina. She never really liked getting hot and sweaty and then having to remain like that for the rest if the day. It felt disgusting. Puck, on the other hand, loved this class. Why wouldn't he? He was pretty athletic and had always enjoyed winning a game of dodgeball. Plus, Puck marveled at the idea of being disgusting. Sabrina wondered to herself at why he would enjoy all that dumbe stuff.

As Sabrina and Puck walked into the gym, Sabrina went the girls locker room. She went to her locker and pulled out their required P.E. clothes. Sabrina didn't really enjoy the idea of wearing really short and tight shorts around a group of boys. She wasn't embarrassed about her body, it just made her uncomfortable to be wearing something that was so tight and small, it practically formed to shape of her bottom. Really, who decided that this was necessary? Although, the top was fine, it was just a simple t-shirt that had the school's logo on it.

Sabrina quickly dressed and tried to pull her shorts down some. She growled at how ridiculously hard it was to not look like a prostitute in these, it was like they were made for that purpose! Ugh, why did she even care in the first place? Probably because she knew that Puck would be out there, too. Not because she had like a crush on him anything, that would be ridiculous. Liking the same winged loser who pranked her almost every single day? Yeah, because that was just so romantic and made her hated the pranks and honestly would be okay without them all the time, by then again, it was one way they had bonded over the years. Getting back to topic -Sabrina just didn't want him to see her in shorts because he'd probably make some witty and perverted remark about them.

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